
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Trying something else

When I go to True Food, I know that the turkey bolognese, no cheese, is safe. The chicken panang is safe. The soup of the day is often safe. The gelato is usually safe. The green ice tea is fantastic. So I don't have much reason to go through the exhausting exercise of asking about ingredients in other dishes.

Today I was in a funk so I went for a safe meal. I decided to ask about the Shirataki gluten-free noodles. The waiter wasn't sure and had the chef come to talk to me. He brought a binder with him and said he wasn't sure about the sauce but I could have the panang sauce on the dish. The panang page had soy with a yellow area but apparently that is because it can be served with tofu.

I liked all the veggies and nuts but it didn't taste panang-y and it didn't have any meat either so it is probably not going on my rotation.

"What's the downside of throwing away your fear?" --the Love Guru

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