
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Red Eyes

I've been seeing Dr. C, an eye specialist, for my nearly constantly watering irritated eyes. Today, he revisited the idea of Lipiflow ($750 out of pocket) in conjunction with another treatment (3 times at $350 each). I'm not even getting the spray he wanted me to use on my eyelids because my insurance doesn't cover it and it's about $700. But I'm considering it.

I think my medical bills are so high this year, I may be eligible for a federal tax deduction for the rest of what I spend at this point, so maybe this is the time. On the other hand, I don't have the money, so it's going to go on my credit card and have interest charged.

In the meantime, he mixed some standard eye drops with some type of glaucoma medicine that he said helps with the redness. It worked right away too. It won't make my eyes less irritated, but I won't look like I've been smoking. So there's that.

Also of note, since I hit my deductible, I am getting my Restasis for free from Costco. I got a 3 month supply and I'll get another right before the end of the year. I am trying to figure out how that works if I change insurance. My insurance rate goes up December 1, dental goes up January 1, and COBRA coverage ends March. So I'm in the market. I can't even hope for something better, just maybe not worse...

Monday, October 31, 2016

October update

I went to Series 7 class and passed that test like BAM. Let's not do that again though, mmm-kay?

My best friend's son had his wedding in Flagstaff. My friend B was feeling good for it and we had a fantastic time.

Yes, that is a Yoda fountain in SF.
M and I went to San Francisco with my cousin! We had a blast. My sister came with her husband for a day. My favorite was probably our drizzly walk in the forest. And I was reading A Sudden Light by Garth Stein on this trip without realizing the background. You should read it.

I had a lot of trouble finding food I could safely eat in this foodie city. I was hangry. I was treated shabbily. For real, had a waiter at an expensive restaurant tell me I shouldn't be trying to eat out on a Saturday night. We're only staying in places with kitchens from now on.

I did not leave my heart in SF.
I saw Garbage with my boys, M and B at the state fair. I love that Shirley!
At our hotel in SF :)
We went to an 80s party for Halloween with my cuz and my friend S and the guys. Fun times were had by all!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Phase Four

I'm in the Phase Four trial for Alemtuzamab (Lemtrada) now.

  • 500 meter walk under 8 minutes
  • Read second line from bottom, right eye, was not 20/20. Less able on left eye.
  • EDSS: 2 at factor 2, several ones.
  • No reflex in left knee, and he kept trying. Um, ow, cut it out, dude. There's no reflex--pounding on it won't make it happen.
  • Abnormal reflex for bottom of feet but it was symmetrical so not an issue.

The visit took so long. SO LONG. I'm probably going to have to take vacation days for these visits. Definitely the next one--there's all of this plus the MRI.

Friday, September 30, 2016

September update

Oh, the things that happened this month:

  • birthday party for my niece's daughter
  • Labor Day swimming at my cousin's
  • (always) Dr. Q
  • webinar on natural treatments--mostly talking about mushrooms (I don't have time for more crazy #justsaying)
  • endocrinologist appointment--she was not impressed with how quickly my primary doctor reduced my thyroid meds so she asked me to come back next month for new labs; I am currently taking 100 mcg of Levothyroxine (Synthroid)
  • work dinner Olive and Ivy--pretty good, and accommodating
  • went to Becketts Table and it wasn't as good as I remember, kind of weird actually; a small, tasty piece of salmon on a plate of carrots and a side of green beans after I was done eating.
  • went to my niece's daughter's and son's birthday party at a park

cat in a bag - tongue out Tinker

sandwich on Bread SRSLY (a gift!) #giddy
sandwich on a Bread SRSLY roll #happiness

Sleeping Cassi--but I missed the photo contest deadline

Mmm, bacon--the low sodium has a shorter ingredient list.


Bacon, and bacon wrapped apricots #yum

No weird ingredients--a Costco find!
The tri-tip after cooking #nomnom

roasted asparagus
My major malfunction has been the eye doctor/glasses shopping. This seems like a short, simple process for most people. However, I:

  • went to the eye doctor, got a glasses prescription, 
  • went to Costco and found frames, had glasses and sunglasses made, 
  • picked up new glasses and sunglasses, couldn't see but they said it was the prescription,
  • went back to adjust (the ear piece was painful),
  • went back to the eye doctor but they just had me see one of the technicians in the front and said it was probably the coating on the lenses (#WTF), 
  • went back to Costco where they checked the prescription and sent the glasses back to be remade, but not the sunglasses, 
  • picked those up and still couldn't see, 
  • made and had an appointment with my friend's eye doctor at another Costco, got a new prescription, 
  • got my glasses and sunglasses remade, picked up the glasses first,
  • picked up the sunglasses and had the glasses in for an adjustment.

I got this style of sunglasses

I still need to take the sunglasses in for adjustment as one of the arms is too loose, but seriously, who else goes through this kind of crazy to cross ONE ITEM OFF MY LIST? I cope but I hate that this is my normal. An item on my to-do list took me two months to accomplish. I can't wait to do it again next year! #Ispeaksarcasm

Friday, September 2, 2016


The hardest part of divorce may be losing friends. Of course, some friends have loyalties to the one they knew first. I expected that, although most of his friends and family have kept me on social media. I expect this could be an issue at some point but I don't have a solution yet.

I was most surprised by friends I had, who were not really close friends, who stepped up, supported me and my decision, and really encouraged me to blossom and grow and thrive.

But I am most saddened by the friends I lost over the last year and a half. The ones I kept investing effort into after they started doing or saying shitty things. And then THEY (for the most part) decided we weren't friends anymore.

It makes me feel as though *I* was the shitty friend. But all I did was stand up for myself, or at least not let someone run all over me.

My loving friends remind me that some people have only seen me as this person who does what is expected and takes it, no matter what *it* is. And maybe some people can't be friends with someone who decides to actively pursue happiness. Because that is a person who is not going to put up with your bullshit.

Or maybe they just liked me when I could be miserable with them or entertain them with stories of how miserable my life was.

But each time, I realize that this person, who was my friend for X years, and was with me through certain times, this person has decided my friendship is not important to them. And I want to run after them and say, wait, I can make it work!

But they have already told me that I am not important to them. Through their uncaring petty comments, by missing dates with me, by only seeing me when I reach out--if it's convenient or they don't have better offers, by never inviting me or contacting me, by giving me their big news on social media, by deleting me as a friend from their social media. By supporting my ex, however subtly. My eyes are open; I see you and your actions. Or inactions.

I want to be that person who doesn't care. I don't care enough to be a doormat, or to be on call at someone's whim, for a friend, or to stay married to my ex and his parents. But I care. I understand how these people I loved feel about me.

I am not important.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August update

My friend S asked me if I wanted to go to see the Piano Guys. We had a small group and it was so fun; they are great to see live. If you have a chance, you should go!

I took and passed my Insurance licensing test. Whew.

M and I went to see the Gipsy Kings. They are amazing. The venue was not amazing. The seats are smaller than airplane seats. There was NO leg room.

My friend from high school and my ex-SIL B had a birthday dinner for me. My cousin got me some pretty flowers, and I also got tequila because you know, tequila.

My sister came to visit for my Grandma's birthday. Grandma is in her 90s, so it's a big deal. She's also been in bad health for a while, but she's hanging out and doing the best she can. My grandpa takes care of her for the most part. My sister and I had a good time with a couple of our cousins.

I had a doctor's appointment so I got a prize, I mean treat!
Nami donut (and dirty chai)

Friday, April 15, 2016

Just venting

I went to the eye clinic this morning. I was there for two hours. It was overwhelming and sucky; it was maybe beneficial. Tests were done. Treatment options and the huge cost to me were discussed. The plug was removed from a gland in my left eye but the one in the right was not removed.

I didn't fall apart till I left.

I. Am. So. Tired.

I'm tired of sleeping - not enough because I can't, or enough, or more than enough, and in all cases, still feeling bone weary exhausted.

I'm tired of appointments and tests and treatments with no real benefit.

I'm tired of spending So Much Fucking Money on my health.

I'm tired of making decisions about what to try next or what to skip altogether.

I'm tired of being a guinea pig.

I'm tired of doctors who don't know me after years of seeing me.

I'm tired of eating "right" and still fighting my digestive system.

I'm tired of thinking I should or could do more (I should do that diet and figure out what *else* I can't eat).

I'm tired of collecting diseases.

I'm tired of fighting but it's all I know.

#justventing #FML #MSwarrior #MSismybitch #Iamenough #NoOneTalksAboutGravesDisease #lostmythyroidhaveyouseenit #MSsucksballs #autocorrecthatesfucking #butIlookgood #outofspoons #allergicgirl

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Phase 4 trial

I still haven't gotten my last check from the Phase 3 trial but here we are, on to Phase 4. It's at Barrow's, and it took a little finding. No tests were really done today, just a review of my file. It appears I cannot change my initials to match my name but otherwise, pretty uneventful. And I only have to go every six months!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Last Phase 3 visit

It seems I'm doing pretty good overall. My EDSS was 2.5 and I did the 500 meter walk in 9 minutes. I'm done with the Phase 3 trial and moving on to the Phase 4 trial, which is done at Barrow's, so my contact will change, as well as the location, and I'm sure some other relevant things.

I'm not sad about that change, since I'm having trouble getting my contact information updated and the piddly payments I'm supposed to get are sporadically given to me. That may seem minor but I get TAXED on that shit! So of course, she did not have my check today. She's going to send it. Probably to the wrong address since I can't get her to update it. It's always something...