
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I got to go to a baseball game as part of my workday.  I thought about eating first but understood that we were eating lunch first (rather than at the ballpark).  Well, that was partially true.  We ate at Friday's at the ballpark.  It does not have the full TGI Friday's menu.  They did have an allergen menu--it showed what allergens were in each menu item.  Unfortunately, it didn't break out parts of dishes, so almost everything had milk listed (since there is cheese in almost everything).  I ended up going for a "least bad" choice, I think, with shrimp skewers and broccoli.  I'm not supposed to eat shellfish, and there was soy, but it seemed all the chicken and fish dishes had wheat and/or dairy in ways I couldn't figure out what modifications to make.  We also had chips and salsa at Sliders after the game.

I went to Sprouts for some groceries, limiting myself to an hour.  I spent a lot of time comparing items and trying to figure out what I'm doing.  I wanted to get some protein powder for smoothies, but no whey (dairy) or soy.  That limited my choices quite a bit.  I actually bought 3 to try, including hemp and rice powders.  I was a little annoyed that I didn't know they have a 10% discount if you buy over an amount in the vitamin/personal care section at once.  I was probably about halfway there.  I also looked for alternative milk.  I decided to pick up a hemp milk and coconut milk.  Buying broth--vegetable and chicken--proved the most difficult choice.  There is yeast extract in many, and soy in others.  I was able to find vegetable broth without either ingredient but gave up on the chicken broth.  I found the waffles that the student recommended and they looked very promising.  Except for the soy flour.  *sigh*

I baked my spaghetti squash last night so I could have it for dinner tonight.  I made half of it with marinara sauce, fresh parsley and basil.  Not bad.  It needed cheese--I may try some goat cheese on the other half since that was acceptable on my treatment plan.

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