
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Agility class

Teka's nemesis: distance
 This is a distance exercise; the handler cannot cross the orange line.  The path was to be out over the left jump, back this way over the middle jump, and then into the tunnel.  We tried it from this front side as well as the other side to start.  There are lots of variations.

Cassi's nemesis: control
This was numbered, starting with the almost left jump (in back) to the left jump in front, round to the front middle jump, then out to the jump to the right front, to the back right jump, ending over the back middle jump.  This can also have lots of variations.

Wicked weave entry
This was quick and fun, although the first part is pretty tricky.  The front jump to the next jump, into the weaves.  Those jumps are not really lined up, and they aren't lined up with the weave entry either.  Coming out of the weaves, a turn to the teeter, and then back over the last jump.  Or from the teeter back into the weaves.  Fun but difficult entries!

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