
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Scrapbooking and Starbucks

I registered for an all day (9 to 9) scrapbooking event before my DH committed us to a charity dinner on the same day.  All my scrapbooking gals backed out but I went anyway so I could get one of my albums near-done.  (plus I had paid and couldn't get a refund)  I forgot that we stopped doing the event at the Phoenix Civic Center because it has some logistical issues.  I did get a reminder the week before that parking was not super-close, so I trimmed my supplies to the least amount I thought I could "carry" in my rolling cart.

I also got a reminder that no outside food is allowed, but they have something there.  I did not get a notice that some huge cheerleading competition was also happening.  Or that the "cafe" only had junk food.  So I left to look for lunch.  My phone's Navigator found a Paradise Bakery, which I eventually found.  As many others who found it, I stood there a minute in disbelief.  It was closed.

I wandered around, looking for something light/small to hold me over till dinner.  I eventually found a Starbucks and had a latte and perfect oatmeal.  The toppings for the oatmeal came in a paper bag that said this:

flavors my senses
sweetens my disposition
stirs my imagination
nourishes my dreams

I think that should be apply to everything we eat!  (and it was really good.)

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