
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Animal research

When I was younger, I may have had a different (or no) view on the issues of animal research and stem cell research. But, as of right now, I believe that both are necessary. And I believe that this research is heavily regulated, and no longer done for frivolous reasons (like cosmetics). I find it annoying that many products claim no animal testing when they were developed after someone else already did all the testing, but that's just instinctual. As a person with MS, with a relative with Parkinson's, I find it very difficult to see a world in the near future that does not have animal research. The only alternative is human research! (which we do after the animal research now....) Here, a researcher explains why she does it and touches on how she is treated. I scanned the comments but they were too annoying to read. Comments would be taken more seriously if it didn't always come back to no animals used for anything (vegans, do you hear me).

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