
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lunch and run fun

We invited some family for lunch.  While I was making plans for the menu, my husband told me that they would be bringing a scallop potato casserole.  That's pretty substantial, so I decided to make chicken with salsa verde (see below) and rice for me and the Celiac guest.  I also made a salad for everyone and brownies from a mix for everyone but me and Celiac.  We could eat the cake I made the other day.  I showed her my new cookbook and she's going to get a copy, too.

The unexpected part was that everyone wanted to eat the chicken.  My lesson from this was that I should expect that everyone wants to eat the safe food along with their unsafe food.

The kids had fun (and did not eat the potatoes) playing games and running in the yard.  I hope we can do it more often.

Chicken with Salsa Verde

Place chicken breasts in hot skillet; brown for a couple minutes on each side.  Add a jar of salsa verde (should have a short ingredient list!) and cover.  Cook until chicken is cooked through.  Serve over rice.


  1. It is a great chicken dish! I've done it twice since I found the recipe, and I love it!

  2. I'm glad you like it! I'm thinking I might be able to do it for a crowd (in advance, for a party)!

  3. I don't even brown mine, so it's really easy!
