
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I'm almost but not nearly buzzed. I'm in pain. I should drink more.

snow in Phoenix
After a little gardening, I had a normal Saturday of house chores, watching TV while going through mail and online to-dos.  Then we went out for some errands.  We got some Christmas gifts while we were out; I just about got a buzz, too.  Total Wine gave me pink tequila (trade secret on the pink, but it's not coloring), champagne (now that I had it, I'm not sure if I'm allowed--I think I read something about the carbonation coming from yeast?  I'm so confused.  My head hurts.), and organic vodka samples.

I wasn't feeling great when we got home, so I rested a little but then it was time to get ready and head out to a surprise birthday party.  I thought I should eat but there wasn't time and my husband was certain they would have something I could eat.  We were running a tad late, but seriously, Google Maps on my phone sucks.  It sucks on his phone too.  We ended up calling for directions, and we made it early enough.

By the time the birthday boy showed up, I knew that I wasn't just "not feeling great."  It was coming on strong.  I tried to be social but also find places to sit.  I was in so much pain, even when sitting.  As it usually does, it would come and go, but it was so, so terribly bad when it would come.  I really wanted to be at home, but I had some fun.  The only thing that I could eat was some fruit, and chips and a Larabar that I brought with me.  I did accept a shot of the chocolate cherry wine that we brought.  It has dairy but I just had to see if I could take the edge off this horrendous pain.  It did not really help.  FML.

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