
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Trial update

Today, I saw Dr. M for my 12 month visit. He documented my numbness. It is real! Everything was similar to other visits, until he got to the test where he sticks me with a tiny needle. The outer sides of my feet and legs were numb/dull.

After my visit with Dr. M, we headed to Hope for the long visit, including the peg test, the math test, and the fading eye test. Most noteworthy, I had an MS or senior moment. I went to do my pee test and forgot to pee in the cup, so there was only a little bit (but enough). sigh. Elena got my blood draw just fine, but it was a LOT coming out. Iram gave me all my meds for next week except the prescription I need to get filled. I have to remember that Dr. G's office is moving....

Then, off to Scottsdale Simon Med for my MRI. I waited over an hour but finally got in. It was pretty uneventful. I took a tiny nap until they woke me to add the contrast dye. My arm still hurts.

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