
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Agility class

Tonight's class was a jumpers course, with a side exercise for weave practice (2 sets of 6, with a jump). I was able to run it 3x with each dog. They did really well, and I improved on each run. The course had a good lead out, lots of "out" practice, a couple of good switches, and a serpentine type thing that had to be sent out at an odd angle. I did weave practice with Cassi before her run and with Teka after her run. Cassi did well after the first time and we practiced odd entries. Teka really started to pick up speed once she figured out that I had cheese and she wasn't going to get it for slow or incomplete. I didn't do anything too hard with her except off-side entry and she really seemed to get it. I should try the sticker on the left shoulder and a marker (like a ribbon or something) on the first pole to help them on entries for a short time.

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