
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Indecision kills

I am an indecisive person. I think it is a fear of being wrong. During my childhood, all choices were wrong, and I'm sure the after effects are still following me around. What do I fear that causes this indecision?
  • What if I need this? (so I don't throw something out)
  • What if I don't succeed? (so I don't try)
  • What if I make a fool of myself? (so I hide, don't say anything, try to blend in)
  • What if I don't really know? (so I second-guess myself, defer to someone else)
  • What if they don't like me? (so I hate myself for not being more--something else)
I work at overcoming many of these things. I know that I can't succeed if I don't try. I know that I'll make mistakes, get laughed at (with?), have to find a replacement for something I threw out. I am still super-insecure, but generally, people like me (or they like M and tolerate me!)

This newsletter reminded me that:

life is created through action. The worst thing you can do to your spirit is to live in a place of indecision. Indecision drains, disempowers and disengages us from life. If you want to create your best life ever, just decide.

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