
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Surround yourself with acceptance

We were talking with friends this weekend who have done the boot camp/P90X programs and are in great shape. As we talked about it, I was struck by how accepting they are. They have known me fat and thin and never made me feel that it mattered. I've considered both programs but am reluctant because of my limitations. I know that I use the MonSter as an excuse to avoid doing the hard work, but also that I've had a lot of issues with pain when I don't take it easy.

I ran across this article, Coming Alive, and thought it expressed the direction of my thoughts.

Surround yourself with acceptance. Invite people into your life who accept you as you are. Most important, show yourself as much acceptance as you can. As part of my morning ritual, I say, ‘I love you just as you are’ and mentally give myself the biggest warmest hug I can. Go ahead, try it – nobody’s looking! It’s amazing how your energy will shift just by doing that.

I know I need to make some changes and really kick myself in the butt. I've been maintaining at this weight that is my mental "top" weight (I was here when I started losing weight before my diagnosis. I lost 50 then, and have put it back on a few years ago. I know there is a mental roadblock that I need to find and conquer.

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