
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Back to Dr. Q

A few months ago, my appointment at the college with my naturopathic chiropractor was cancelled. Not rescheduled--cancelled. I was told to call back. If you know anything about my to-do list, you can already guess that I did not call for quite a while. When I finally called, they told me he was no longer there.


They gave me his number and I called to schedule an appointment. I had to leave a message. I was surprised when he called me back. It took a minute for me to realize it was him and another minute for him to figure out I am me.

His office location is very near my work location. It is a small office and it appears that he has no staff. I had to wait a little while he finished with someone else.

He has this interesting table that goes perpendicular to the floor. I stepped on the "plate" with my front against it and then it moves to a horizontal position. Totally freaky but yay technology. It is a higher table. It is also a wider table than used at the college.

The treatment was essentially the same. He spent a lot of time on my neck and head. Stress much?

He is running my insurance to see what they cover so I just paid a "co-pay" which will apply against my deductible. If this is cheaper than the out-of-pocket at the college, I'm going to be irritated.

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