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Disney princess--safe for children? |
I spent two hours at Target before heading home. I know, I spend too much time doing everything. But I had a list. And Target did not organize their store in order of my list. I don't know what they are thinking. Games and paint brushes are on one end, and gardening stuff is next to the groceries on the other. I never found the silk plant cleaner for my MIL. Bless her heart, she can go through an entire bottle cleaning one fake plant. And I obviously need fake plants as my FIL is already pissed off at my lack of a green thumb as I kill his cherry tomato plant by, well, doing nothing at all. In my defense, it is something like 118 degrees and our yard has little shade and the water may not have been set correctly (but not by me--that's not my area of expertise.)
That pretty much wore me out and I'm only on the FIRST day of the long weekend.
Sunday, we went bowling. My average improved! After lunch at Ground Control, where my husband's new favorite beer resides, and there is gelato, we went to our house to combine into our car and go to K's parents house for some pool time, followed by dinner. I learned A's secret to her scrumptious guacamole, but I've decided to forget so that she always has to make it upon request. I didn't drink (there is a reason I'm telling you this) and I drove us all home (that's not it). Then I passed out on the couch. Seriously. passed. out. I could not wake up enough to get up and go to bed. For about 3 hours, I tried. I finally was able to get up, take my medicine (way after I was supposed to) and go to bed.
Monday, I did some housecleaning, laundry, pet care and then watched TV with the spousal unit. We watched some of Jamie Olivers Food Revolution. I highly recommend this show. Besides his English accent and cutie patootie kids, there is some fantastic information about our food. And by fantastic, I mean totally disgusting. We were amused (that is not at all the word I'm looking for....) by the fast food guy who didn't want to change his business, at all, even when it seemed totally obvious (like he doesn't/wouldn't feed that syrup to his kids but he'll totally put it in the milkshakes he sells to his customers). And then my husband, God love him, lets me know that he does not care what is in his ice cream if it means that he can't have cookie dough ice cream. Some bugs and feathers never killed anyone, right?
We turned off the Food Revolution marathon to go to our friend's house. We decided not to swim, but went to visit R and his family. It was a great group, fun visit, good food. When they started getting the kiddos ready to go to the park to see fireworks, we headed home. O. M. G. How do I manage to do this almost every year? There is something wrong with people. There is something wrong with people on the 202, east and west bound, near Tempe Town Lake, before, during, and after the fireworks show. I know I should have, could have, gone another way, but I forgot. And I didn't. Right about the time I took the 101 to the 202, I realized the fireworks were JUST starting. And people are PARKED ON THE FREEWAY. I actually, no lie, can't make this up, saw someone parallel parking in the emergency lane on the right side. People in the first lane over were on top of their cars. The second lane, and to some extent, the third lane, were stopped. Not moving. The carpool (not during those hours of course) lane to my left was mostly moving, but did stop. I told my husband I was going to lay on the horn if my lane came to a complete stop. It barely kept moving, so those idiots taking video with their cell phones from the tops of their cars were spared my alarmingly wussy Prius horn.
In case you have missed my opinion in the previous paragraph, it is NEVER okay to use the freeway like a parking lot. This is not your front row seat to someone else's event. Is it really the first time you have ever seen fireworks? Could you not see them and keep driving? Do you know that there is something wrong with people? By people, I mean you, kicking it yo' on the freeway.
And today, a workday. A hard day. A lots of pain day. Which makes me less productive. But wait, there's more! I get to go to the lab and have my blood taken for my first trial extension visit. N from Hope Research only has four tubes to get filled today. When I ask if that's the last tube, the funny guy taking my blood says only four more. We quickly inform him that last time, I had 8 tubes taken. Bigger tubes than today. He is feeling less funny. I go fill my, ahem, cup. I'm having hesitancy today due to the pain. Or maybe the pain is due to the hesitancy. I just know this is my fifth time in the bathroom today, only the second, ahem, liquid-only visit, and I haven't even had lunch yet. I'm going to Dutch Brothers for a frosty treat. They are always so nice to me and I can't weep while drinking chocolate coconut coffee goodness.
I round my less than productive day (evening, thankfully feeling better) out with some blog surfing. I find a funny, ranting writer to add to my blog roll, which has too many to follow already (cuz that's how we roll.) After all, defeat does not lie in the outcome of being knocked down, it lies in your inability to get back up. Thanks, Bella. I'll be back up tomorrow. I think I'll stay down for the count today though.
We need to do lunch every week so you can vent your frustrations to someone who listens and doesn't offer advice....me! And I feel your pain on a lot of the medical issues too.