
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Focus (seminar)

It's hard to go to an all-day seminar, for time management!  Okay, it was really about prioritizing.  I think it was worthwhile, a refresher of sorts but I also picked up some tips and tricks.  I got a new planner, which I probably don't need (so let me know if you want a standard Franklin Covey planner cover!) but the pages are potentially better than what I was using.  If I use them correctly.  I am going to fulfill the commitments we made in the class today for homework assignments over the next month.  The things I'm unsure about are 1, he wants us to use "one calendar" for all time commitments (and I use 2 electronic calendars and one paper calendar to combine them), and 2, the weekly planning is to include both personal and professional planning, which will be a transition for me.  If it seems to be making a difference, consider me a convert.

1 comment:

  1. Arg. It deleted my comment. I use one calendar for everything, and it's online. I LOVE it. My smart(er than yours) phone can even connect!
