
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Random life

I left work early to meet with the landscape designer.  We're making progress but still, some things are not on paper the way we discussed.  We made several changes, as we are trying to scale back before the pricing is started.  My husband and I are pretty much on the same page at this point, which is a relief.

After the designer left, we went out to the front yard to give the roses and tomato plant some extra water and wash some bird poop off the garage door.  Really, I don't even understand how that mess ended up where it did, but it's gone now.  After cleaning the door, I also cleaned the front entry window which was noticeably dirty from the dust storm the previous night.  I decided to clean the inside (only) of the sliding glass door while I had the supplies out.  Since no one who helps me with household chores wants to do this chore, it hasn't been done, well, probably for about, hmm, how long have we lived here?  Yeah, that long.  I'll tackle the outside tomorrow.  Maybe.  As I'm finishing, the man wants to know about dinner.  Grrr.  I'm totally exhausted and sweating and hot.  Yes, I made dinner.  No, he didn't like it, but he didn't complain.  Much.

So the bigger "news"  happened while we were out front.  My man asked me to check on the dogs because they were being very quiet.  Yes, it is like having kids, even if you don't think so!  As I turn to go, a lady came out of the house next door and says her little dog is in our backyard.  Eeep!  I, very casually, head into the house and out back.  Cassi and Teka are following a little black min-pin, walking next to the wall towards the back of the yard.  My man brings the lady in the side gate soon after.  We call the dogs to us, but the little dog finds a hole in the wall that he likes and goes through.

So what have we learned here?  Teka did not harm the little dog, or even bark at him.  She did get her butt feathers ruffled a little but she was behaving just fine.  The man thinks it is because the dog was not in her face, but Teka's face was in the dog's butt, so what's the difference?  I need to move this rehab experiment along somehow.  Hmmm.  Oh, we also learned that the lady "living" in the RV parked in the neighbor's back yard is just visiting (for another 10 days or so) and the actual (new) homeowners have a little Chihuahua, about 6 pounds, and a bigger dog.  I'm not sure how they are keeping the little dog in the yard over there, but we haven't seen him.  Yet...


  1. Thanks! We love your diarrhea of the mouth. :P I have a spot in my new planner that I think will be perfect for jotting my blog ideas that never make it to the blog because I forget them. So more random shit will be making an appearance!
