
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Weave class

Teka does this thing that drives me crazy--she acts very excited to see someone, and then, when she gets right in front of them, she starts barking at them. In this case, it was my classmate, N, who knows Teka, so she waited patiently for me to take Teka away and let her try again. Then she did it without barking so she got a treat from N.

Our first exercise was a sequence, two ways. First we had a jump into the weaves (I led out and turned so I was on the left), with the next jump being out to the left from the end of the weaves, needing a front cross. Then we U-turned to another jump and back into the weaves, so I was on the right side now, and then back over the first jump, which was now at an odd angle, so we were instructed to do a false front cross. This essentially looks like the beginning of a front cross (changing hands) and then deciding not to finish. I forgot to do it but Teka went over the jump anyway.

Then other way was a lead out from a jump to the first jump (serpentine-ish) into the weaves. Teka had some trouble with going over the first jump, so we worked on where I was facing/pointing. Coming out of the weaves, we did a front cross to a jump that was to the left of the middle of the poles, then over the two jumps that we did in the last sequence, making a serpentine. She did not push out on the last jump enough and knocked the bar. Then we headed back into the weaves to finish. She did great on all of her weaves. N commented on how happy she seems to work for me.

Next we did the four pole clicker entry work. D came over to help because Teka was having trouble with the entry when I was out to the left with her on my left. I have to watch where I am pointing with my feet, but she was also watching N for her treats so we are working on proofing her, as a judge could be standing there at a trial.

Last, we did a sequence that started with a jump, into the weaves, over a jump in front to the right, wrapping back around to the weaves, and ending by pushing out to a jump out a bit to the right front. The tricky part was a tunnel directly out from the end of the tunnels after the jump in the middle of the sequence. Teka went around the start jump the first time (argh!) but got all of her weaves. I had a little trouble getting the two types of crosses we were practicing at the middle jump, as the best way for the dog to go around was the side closer to the tunnel. One was a front cross and then tuck back into the jump to pull her around without directing into the tunnel; the key here is NO hands so that there is no accidental pointing at the tunnel. I end up on the left side of the weaves and push her out to the last jump. The other was the one I didn't quite get and can't even remember enough to exlain, but it ends up with me on the right side of the weaves.

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