
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Agility class

Tonight was Trigility, a 3 part course, with a different dog running each part. We were able to run each part of the course during the class. Teka did fantastic on her runs, with a couple of handling errors on my part. Right before we started, I was able to use an extra NADAC hoop (like a partial hula hoop stuck in a base--they run through it) to quickly clicker train her what it was. She was very good about going through on the course. She also handled her 6 weaves without any problem at all.

Cassi ran the same courses and also did very well. I quickly trained her on the NADAC hoop before starting. She missed one, but the instructor thought she may not have seen it--it was blue and the lighting would have been behind her. I "knew" Teka would do the gamble (obstacles behind a line I can't cross) but wasn't sure about Cassi, since it was a jump to a teeter to a hoop. She did it without hesitating, although the teeter was a bit slow.

Next week, we start going to one class for both of them. I will be working hard!

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