
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Contact Class

Cassi started out with the contact board. D worked with her because I am having trouble understanding the timing for the clicker. She does rapid fire treats and clicks and I didn't really get what was being clicked.

When class got started, we started on the A-frame which was low. I did a little of the treating and turning on the frame and then we started the send, run with, recall and she had great speed once she realized there was a treat pouch at the end. Then we did the dog walk, very similar, starting with treating for turning and laying down and then starting the send, run with and recall. Last, we did a jumping sequence with the contact boxes and then switched out the boxes with clicker boards. She really seemed to get the boxes and wanted to get the clicker boards but got a little too spazzy. I really need to get some to practice at home.

The class also worked on the table, but when we started, D said that I should wait until we are further along with the contact board. However, she did have Cassi do the plank on/off the table, using the pole to go around to teach self correction for the up contact. She also showed how I should treat over her instead of from in front. She actually straddled Cassi and had her lay down before treating. I might be able to work on this.

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