There seems to be a lot of discussion right now on the runner's blogs about minimalist or barefoot running shoes vs. traditional or modern running shoes. I have had a lot of trouble finding a shoe I can run in without my foot moving around. I know part of the problem could be that I'm "between" sizes. Even when I got a custom insert created for me, I ran into problems. It tends to slide forward in my shoe because it's created for my foot length rather than my shoe length. (Then I feel the heel of the insert under my heel instead of cupping my heel.) Another issue I think I have is that my heel seems to move around--I think it might be narrow relative to the rest of the foot.
I keep thinking about this barefoot running idea. I've seen it done at agility trials, either completely barefoot or, more recently, with the five-finger shoes. I'm a litte grossed out by running barefoot in a place that dogs may be relieving themselves. So the five-finger shoes are intriguing.
I am trying to make sure a walking/running path ends up in our yard design. I think it would be a great use of an acre and a half, to have my own fitness track. And if I could figure out the correct surface, I would love to use the track while barefoot. I think there is something about being barefoot that makes us feel like we're closer to nature.
I tend to go barefoot a lot in the house as well. I've even transitioned over time to more shoes that I can slip off under my desk at work, so I'm even barefoot most of the time in my office.
Of course these yellow VFF caught my eye! There are several models of VFF now, as well as other brands besides Vibram (such as Fila) coming out with their own versions. This model has an insert that comes out, so I could probably put my custom insert into it. (Or would that defeat the purpose?) I think a little more research, mostly of the trying them on variety, will be needed. Or I can go completely barefoot. Now, what kind of surface can I use for my path that will integrate into the design, not attract cats, and be fun to walk/run on?
Rubber tires?
ReplyDeleteHmm, that could be fun. Someone just told me to use astroturf like they use for tracks at schools; he said he wasn't talking about fake grass, that it was something cushiony. I didn't run when I was in school so I don't know what he was talking about. :) I would think it would look weird so close to real grass but maybe I'm thinking of something different than he meant.
ReplyDeleteI think he means the rubber tire stuff. Schools are using it for playgrounds now because the kids bounce off without being injured as much. And it can be dyed colors to blend in, so you could have it be a tan to match your rocks!