
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

MRIs and doctors and needles, oh my.

When N at Hope Research said I would need to have my MRI and all my appointments on the same day, I decided that, yes, first thing in the morning would be my best option.  So I wouldn't have to wait an hour or two like the last time.  I thought I was running late but I put it on my calendar a little early so I wouldn't be.  I ended up waiting about a half hour, so I think that was a good choice.  The technician seemed to be "nicer" to me after she knew that I get MRIs just about every year.  I did get to snooze a little during my MRI.

When I left, I ran into Starbucks for my reward: a latte and a pastry.  Yummo.  Then I went to the doctors' office and filled out paperwork for N.  I saw Dr. M, did his balance tests and all that.  Then Dr. G saw me.  I explained my issue with obtaining Provigil at a huge price.  He gave me some samples of Nuvigil and told me to call my insurance to see if they would cover it differently.

N and I went to Sonora for my blood draw.  The lady who took my blood (a lot of tubes this visit) opened a new bandage roll so that she could match my shirt.  Then N and I went back to the Research Center and I did the rest of the tests, including the peg test, the numbers test, and the vanishing eye chart test.  We talked about the extension and I signed my paperwork.  I also asked about something I noticed on the MRI paperwork--it asked about tattoos.  N said that they sometimes see a blurry spot in areas that have tattoos.  I guess that means I'll have to get my tattoo on my leg, ankle, foot area.

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