
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Friday, June 24, 2011

And someday, a garden.

***I just watched three episodes of Yard Crashers.  Tips I picked up (beside DIY network is letting my know that I cannot DIY) were: use a soil conditioner for clay and a pebbletec-like surface over concrete can look beachy.  They tiled an outdoor grill and used a mosaic tile for a backsplash and I thought that fits in our plan.  And my friend will probably work with me to DIY--that's as close as I'll get to DIY is helping someone else!

***I know that bugs have to be, but I just don't like to see them.  In my house.  Some flowers have pest control tendencies.

***Is it really free if you pay $6.95 for shipping?  Well, not in my opinion, but that's a pretty good price for a plant delivered to your house, with proceeds of other sales going to the Nature Conservancy.  I could use a bamboo (current month's "freebie") plant in the pot I just bought at Smarty Pants consignment shop.

***I know Illinois and Phoenix do not have the same gardening challenges, but I may be in love with The Casual Gardener, author of Gardening Nude.  The first thing I saw was this amazing pop of color in the garden; then I noticed the square foot gardens on both sides of the amazing purple arbor, and then the flagstone walkway edged by rocks in the back.  (Yeah, not a fan of the wine bottle edging, but I get it.)  Then I saw the flagstone bench and I thought about how much I loved the flagstone at our old house--I'm not sure what we'll end up using for the new yard--wait and see.  Other coolness: how to get rid of earwigs, tough plants to kill (drought tolerant, but all I heard was "tough to kill"), the cutest chicken coop ever, and how to maintain garden tools.  The pool picture shows flagstone topped and edged by concrete, it appears--love it.  This picture makes me think of the sloped areas in our yard going into our retention basin from the block walls--maybe I can plant (groundcover?) on them rather than covering them in "just" rock.  LOVE this blue bench--how do I get one, where do I put it, how do I keep it from falling apart in the heat!  And more garden blogs to look through.  I'm looking for gardeners in the Phoenix area--where are you?


  1. I tried last year (unsuccessfully) to garden in containers. This fall I'll be building a raised bed and trying again. Remember I told you my (lost) massage therapist gave me the name of a book (I forget it now) and the soil to use, and her garden is amazing year-round! We shall discuss.
