
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A writer has a moment of clarity

I really liked this:

I was not put on this beautiful earth to impress you. My life is mine to live how I so choose. If you do not like or accept me, although unfortunate, I do not care. I can not live my life to meet your standards. I can not and will not pretend to be anyone except for who am I. Nor will I change my personality....

If I stand behind you it is not for my own protection. I stand behind you because I have your back. If I love you I will follow you to the depths of hell to keep you safe. However, make no mistake, I am not a follower. I was born to lead. I march to my own beat and hold my own drums. My burdens are mine to carry. If I ask you for help it is not because I depend on you. It is because you are reliable and I know that I can trust you....

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