
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Doctor, doctor, give me some news?

Today, I met my friend M's friend, Dr R, who is an endocrinologist. When Dr. G reviewed my labs before the infusion last month, he said that one of my thyroid numbers was off and, although he wasn't concerned about it, I should have my GP review the results. Since my GP recently died, I asked around and only got my friend M's recommendations. I got through to Dr R's office before the other rec (which I still haven't followed up on--I was hoping to find a rec that wasn't in Scottsdale since that is so far, especially after we move) and scheduled today's appointment.

I met with Dr R today and she indicated I may have hyperthyroidism. She felt my thyroid, which she thinks is enlarged and suggested lab work tomorrow, an ultrasound next week, and then a follow up appointment. Interestingly, she suggested that in addition to the thyroid labs, she wants a vitamin D test for my MS. I haven't been able to get any doctor to order that for me. I'm super-curious! She seems to think that if she can treat my thyroid successfully, it may help with my fatigue and bowel issues. If that is true, I think she may finally help me with my pain issues. Am I being too optimistic?

Later, I went to Hope for my monthly check in. E had trouble getting my vein and had to stick me twice. I was surprised that they didn't have my MRI results yet. That's a pretty long time. Maybe next time. I see Dr G in September, so definitely by then!

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