
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thyroid, Vitamin D, and MS on FB

The other day, I got a note in the mail that my appointment was cancelled, but when I called, they were able to get me in (with the person I thought I was seeing, but wasn't) for almost the same time. Anyway, I went today to get my results.

First, the thyroid ultrasound shows a small (.4, they don't biopsy till 1) node. The blood tests were, apparently, confusing. The original tests that landed me in this office showed signs of potential hyperthyroid. The new results were all over the place, and the worst was in the opposite direction, hypothyroid. TSH should be at 1; mine was at 8! So my thyroid is under-active. Other thyroid numbers were T3 at 3.2 and T4 at .9. I get to start daily medication, which I have to take first thing in the morning and then not eat for at least an hour.

In addition, they ordered a Vitamin D test. I've asked several doctors if I should have it, since there is a lot of research showing a link between MS and Vitamin D deficiency, but I haven't had any luck getting someone to order the test for me. A typical Vitamin D test result is 50-60; mine was 24, which is apparently very deficient. A typical Vitamin D tablet is 1000 IU, recommended once a day. I now have to take 5000 IU with dinner every day. That's five pills. Yuck. My day is going to revolve around pills and vitamins.

Semi-related, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is asking on FB In planning for MS Awareness Week 2011, the Society wants to know: in one sentence, what does MS mean to you? There are a LOT of replies, ranging from super optimistic, finding hope in Jesus/God, hopeful for a treatment or cure, angry, upset, sad and defeated. If I were to reply, it could vary depending on the day. But my first instinct was "tired." I am tired of knowing there's something wrong with me, tired of dealing with the various treatments (but thankful there is something, better than nothing), tired of the unknown course my life is taking because of this disease, tired of not having control over my life or my body, tired of the pain, tired of people assuming I'm in pain when I'm not, tired of the fatigue, tired of people thinking they know what I'm going through (with the possible exception of other MSers), tired of MS being part of who I am, tired of this emotional roller coaster, tired of hating my body for this huge betrayal, tired of me not taking care of myself enough, tired of feeling guilty about it, tired of the platitudes (for example, God doesn't give us anything we can't handle), tired of hearing that it's a blessing (yes, I have met people I love who I wouldn't have, but really, I'm not buying it, there's got to be another word), and tired of being tired. So I'm going to bed. :)

1 comment:

  1. I feel for you on the thyroid issue! I'm a wealth of knowledge there and have books you can borrow if interested. I hated the meds they put me on that made me wait to eat. I now take a compounded med made specially for me. :) I have to take it 3 times a day, but it actually works, and I can eat right after taking it. Each thyroid med is so different, so you can always ask for an alternative after researching them.
