The diary of a working woman living in Metro Phoenix, and pursuing a healthy life while dealing with Multiple Sclerosis, autoimmune thyroid diseases, and food allergies
Friday, December 31, 2010
What not to wear, and other news
Perhaps more commonly known is that formaldehyde is used in clothing, especially no-iron shirts, one of the reasons that clothes should always be washed prior to wearing. And sports clothing sometimes has triclosan, an antibacterial chemical, which is also found in toothpaste, although it is a pesticide. Um, yum?
The EPA has slightly altered the instrutions for broken CFL bulbs, which have a "small amount of powdered mercury in them." Mercury is toxic and dangerous, and I can't understand how or why these light bulbs have been permitted and promoted.
As the public becomes more aware of BPA in product packaging, companies are looking for alternatives. This report names names and grades companies based on their transparency and their efforts to reduce BPA in packaging. One of the more interesting tidbits is that a company (in this case, GE) can choose to use BPA-free can linings for one product line (Muir Glen) but not the rest (Progresso and Green Giant). I'm not surprised to see Kellogg's gets a D--I can't remember the last Kellogg's label I read that didn't cause me to put the package back on the shelf. Stores are not going to take action until, as Costco says, until "a safe alternative becomes readily available."
I'm a little late but here is A cute picture story for Christmas.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Catching up on message boards
- The Rockefeller Center Christmas tree will be donated to Habitat for Humanity for the fourth consecutive year. It will be milled and processed into a house for a family in need.
- A time capsule was recommended for an eco-craft for kids, maybe using a cookie tin from the holiday season. I wonder if we should do one and bury it in our backyard when we start work there.
- On my "new" commute, there are a couple of those fancy new digital billboards. I noticed that one had a concert ad still showing from last month and was a little confused--how is that not changed out yet? But my primary reaction to these signs is annoyance. They tend to be in driving areas that are busy, accident prone freeways. While they are probably more profitable, they also may be worse for the environment than traditional billboards.
- No, I don't want to start my own organic gardening business, but thanks for the resources and tips.
- A post on a website I don't want to share or promote in any way did have an interesting post about the "junky gift syndrome" or "plastic disaster." How much STUFF did we exchange during the holidays that wasn't wanted or needed this Christmas?
- Someone recently questioned my use of sea salt in my kitchen. I explained that I actually use both "regular" salt and sea salt--they are right next to each other by my stove. This person felt that I would not get any iodine (maintains thyroid glands!) if I used sea salt. Table salt is fortified with iodine, but there are other sources of iodine.
- A thread on a message board discussing the worst excuses for not getting healthy and I ran across this possible tidbit: "People diagnosed with Celiac disease are eligible for a tax deduction on gluten-free foods (because of the extra cost) a search for tax-deduction for celiacs."
- Study suggests that consumption of cranberry juice cocktail does not decrease UTIs. Commentors on the message board were concerned with the HFCS or other artificial sweeteners that could impact the effectiveness, as many have moved to either pure cranberry juice (YUK!) or cranberry pills. I take the pills and I think (anecdotally) that they are effective.
- Red No. 40 is not safe for consumption, but it is one of the most commonly used food coloring in the US. Those candy canes are good enough for American children, but as of this summer, several countries have banned the use of this artificial food dye, along with Yellow No. 5 and Yellow No. 6 and something called Cochineal Extract. Great, more things to add to my list of groceries to put back on the shelf instead of in my basket.
- My sister and brother have been visiting and we had to go to the grocery store. They drink whole milk--a lot of whole milk. A Harvard Study shows "Whole-fat dairy products may lower diabetes risk." In related news, "Confusion among nutrition experts: High-fat dairy product eaters have 40% higher risk of mortality." I would question the validity of either study, as many factors do not appear to be controlled. But if both were valid results, does that mean that drinking whole milk will keep you from getting diabetes but you will die sooner?!
- Find a registered dietitian! I've been trying to find a good source, not for weight loss, although that would be a great side benefit, but for better health and digestion. I think that some of my pain and health issues could be addressed through diet if I just knew how and could work with someone to figure it out. So now, do I look for someone who works with immune disorders (MS is thought to be an autoimmune disease), oncology patients (my medicine is a cancer drug), digestive disorders, or do I select based on another criteria such as location or use of metabolic measurements? I looked at some of the websites and I don't want someone to give me meal plans or recipes--I have plenty of both.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Depression and MS
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Why do you want to lose?
Monday, December 20, 2010
A Woman's Way
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Agility class
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Agility - Contacts
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Trial update
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Contacts 101
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Monday, November 29, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Friday, November 26, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Thursday, November 25, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Weave 201B
Monday, November 22, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
- Kumquats – For no reason other than it makes me giggle.
- Obituaries – This one’s simple folks. Read them. Are you listed? If not, then be thankful you have tomorrow.
- Pill Boxes – When you take enough pills per day to keep half of Glaxo Smith Kline’s employed for generations to come, it’s easy to confuse them. I can’t be the only one who has accidentally taken an Ambien at 8am and ended up face planted on a keyboard. Pill boxes keep the a.m. pills straight from the p.m. pills and guarantees that you won’t be face down in a puddle of your own drool at the corporate lunch meeting. [My note: I can't believe that I have pill boxes at my age.]
- Yesterday – Because it means I made it through, am living today and looking to tomorrow. Bring. It.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Saturday, November 20, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Friday, November 19, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Thursday, November 18, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Agility class
30 Days of Gratitude
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Weave 101B
Trial update
Monday, November 15, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Saturday, November 13, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Friday, November 12, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Thursday, November 11, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
As the newsletter editor, I am sometimes concerned that I may offend someone or not provide relevant information. On the other hand, I have been completely unsuccessful in getting anyone to provide any content for the newsletter in the two years I've been doing it. The great thing about emailing the newsletter is that I get some updates from members in response and I love hearing about everyone's dogs and lives. And there are a couple of club members who respond occassionally to let me know they liked something they saw in the newsletter. Today, in response to the membership update I sent to the members, I got an email from a new (returning) club member with a correction who was appreciative of what I do for the club. I also got an email from a new club member who also had a minor correction, and wanted to let me know how much he and his dog are enjoying their new activities. Their nice comments made me smile!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Agility class
The first sequence was a circle (or horseshoe) of obstacles, but not taken in that order. The tunnel was on one end, and facing it, there was a tire hoop and a jump on the left and a serpentine of 3 jumps on the right. For Teka's class, we did the jump, tunnel, tire, the right end jump, round to the middle jump, and out to the left jump. She did it perfectly. Her last time through, we did the opposite sequence and she dropped a bar; the instructor said it looked like she got lazy. (tired?) In Cassi's class, we switched it up more but she did really well in each case. The tire proved to be the challenge. We had it lower (16"?) but she kicked it every time; in one case, hard enough that another student asked if she was okay. I have to get my tire fixed or get a breakaway tire to practice with her!!!
The next sequence was an A-frame with a curved tunnel underneath, headed out to a jump on each end (45 degrees from each other, so one was a discrimination), with a tunnel to the 3:00 from the end of the A-frame that did not have a tunnel discrimination. Teka's sequence was the A-frame to the jump, wrap to the tunnel open next to the A-frame, coming out to the jump on the side, switch to the teeter. She loves the teeter, so she made that part look easy! We also did it with a couple of front crosses, which actually made it more smooth for Teka. Cassi's class did more variations, such as starting on the side jump, into the side tunnel, out the tunnel by the A-frame exit, out around the jump to come back over it, over the A-frame. We had a LOT of trouble with that "out" and I had to basically block her from going over it. We also had a couple rounds with the teeter at the beginning (going around to the A-frame entry, out around the jump, into the tunnel, over the side jump) or end (like Teka's sequence), and she did the teeter with NO problem, no hesitation. And lots of treats.
Our last exercise was two pairs of straight tunnels next to each other (yellow, blue, then a large space, then green, and orange) with a purple curved tunnel at one end and two jumps at the other end, kind of angled, one from each pair of straight tunnels. We did a lot of variations, but essentially working on "out" without blocking the inside tunnel. We ran down the middle while they took the tunnel or out tunnel and so on. Teka had some trouble and actually went between the pairs of tunnels a couple times, but mostly got it. Cassi did really great except at one turn when she kept coming back out of the tunnel after she entered it. (Basically backing out!) I started telling her to go on while she was inside and she was able to complete it.
These seemed to be fun exercises for both the girls. The only incident worth noting is that during Teka's class, a young boxer decided to take a run around to find someone to play with, and he got into a bit of a scuffle with the dog in Teka's group who was on the teeter at the time--he jumped off when the boxer approached. Teka started to act like they were playing and she wanted to, but when they started scuffling, she started growling and lunging, so I grabbed her and held on until the boxer was under control again. I'm glad (I think) that she wasn't the one on the teeter. But maybe since that's her favorite obstacle, she would have stayed and I could have dealt with the boxer instead of dealing with her. I am her protector, after all!
30 Days of Gratitude
My options for getting to class every week are: work at home and drive the 40-60 minutes to class (defeating the purposes of working at home--no commute and more time to add to my hours); work at the office and M brings the dogs (he will only do this as an exception, not every week); or board the dogs while I work at the office (adding another expense, in addition to needing to find an appropriate kennel for both Cassi's and Teka's issues). So, for now, I'm going to try working at home and making the drive, although M will have to run the dog bus at least once during the session.
I got a very warm welcome back. It seemed that everyone was glad to see me and the girls.
Oh, before I went to class, I went by the old house and one of my neighbors said she missed us and was sad to see us go. I thought that was very sweet.
I'm grateful for relationships, however brief or lasting they may be. And dog people--we're crazy, crazy about our dogs!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Weave 201B
Then we moved to a sequence with a tunnel to two jumps, round to the channel weaves (she got the entry perfect!!!), then an odd out/round to the "wrong" side of a jump, back to the tunnel, weaves, round to 2 jumps. We worked on the weave to odd jump a bit, but I was really happy about her weave entries.
The last was a circle sequence like we did last week with Teka. There were 2 6-pole weavomatics separated by a good space and 3 jumps. I had to stay far from the weaves and let her get it, and she did all but once. She rocked it so well that D said she needs to get into handling class. (I didn't tell her that I'm doing a semester with Contact Zonies, my previous training group.)
Monday, November 8, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Sunday, November 7, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Yesterday, while I was walking Teka around, she got excited about a Weimaraner named Zeke who we know and she used to play with. He was in his pen with his "brother" Max. Teka and Zeke flirted through the wire pen. She made herself into a cashew shape and showed him her butt and tried to kiss him and playbowed and otherwise acted silly. She went to Max and he growled and she just left and went back to Zeke. (Okay, she may have grumbled under her breath, but I didn't hear it and she didn't bare her teeth or anything that appeared aggressive.) Just to test that it wasn't a fluke, I took her back later and she still flirted with Zeke. Today, she was still a flirt with Zeke.
The enclosure has worked so well in the past, so I was surprised to see her come around the trailer into the secretary's station this morning. She was running with Greta, an intact female Weimaraner that she has been snippy with in the past. She was trying to kiss her and being very playful. I didn't even realize it was Teka until I saw her collar.
A short time later, she and Cassi both got out of the enclosure and came running up to look for M. (Take us hunting!) They ran right through all the dogs hanging out and she didn't pay any attention to anyone. I put their kennel up front by the trailer and they hung out. She did snap at Cherry through the wire mesh front when Cherry ran up to the kennel; otherwise, she was such a friendly dog all weekend.
I'm glad she is showing signs of possibility!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Friday, November 5, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Thursday, November 4, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
1. Go to Google maps. 2. Go to 'get directions'. 3. Type in Japan as your starting location. 4. Type in China as your ending location. 5. Go to step #43. 6. Laugh and repost!!
I added (based on one of the comments left on my friend's update):
When you're done laughing your arse off, try Japan to Seattle, step #27. You're welcome.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
CFLs are killing us
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude--Election Day
Weave 101B
Monday, November 1, 2010
30 Days of Gratitude
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween
Friday, October 29, 2010
Osmonds and MS
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Indecision kills
- What if I need this? (so I don't throw something out)
- What if I don't succeed? (so I don't try)
- What if I make a fool of myself? (so I hide, don't say anything, try to blend in)
- What if I don't really know? (so I second-guess myself, defer to someone else)
- What if they don't like me? (so I hate myself for not being more--something else
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Weave 201B
We did the weave-a-matic (slanted poles) with a tunnel on one end and 2 jumps at angles from the other end. This allowed us to work back and forth with crosses and different entries. I worked with Cassi on our front cross. That jump before re-entering the weaves was pretty far forward, so I had to front cross ("mentally change leash hands front right hand to left hand") and then really get on her to come to my left side instead of flying by on my right. Her speed is really picking up and the bars are only slanted a little.
Then we worked on the 3 poles. She is getting it but she is still not consistently wrapping back around the third pole. We've been doing the entry in four positions, differing distances, the 45 degrees (3:00 to 6:00, with 6:00 being the starting pole). She told my partner to start doing the 45 degrees from 9:00 to 6:00, still doing both left and right sides. Cassi can start working on that too, but Teka is probably not ready.
Then we did a "course" of jumps and 6 pole set ups. Cassi did really well once I figured out the front cross. D had to walk me through it--Cassi comes out of the weaves on my left, the jump is perpendicular on my right, Cassi has to wrap around the far side to get back to the weaves, so I have to change from left hand to right hand, and go down the weaves on the left. There was another set of 6 poles next and I had to rear cross to get to the jumps on the right of those poles. I know--confusing, and I was there!
Our last exercise was a 12 pole channel weave with a jump on one end and a tunnel on the other, with a jump off to the side for entry into the tunnel, or not. Cassi was really picking up her speed on this one. It was the toy-torture exercise and my partner left her dog's toys out. I put Cassi's out too, but she became VERY excited about her treat tube, so I swapped it out for her treat pouch, keeping the tube in my hand to throw at the end. There was something around one of the tunnel entrances that she (and the other dog) wanted to sniff, but other than that, she was really excited and working with me and speeding up. The channels are only an inch open now. D recommended I treat her more during the exercise, such as after she went through the tunnel after having so much trouble entering it.
My partner and I both ran barefoot. That was my first time running barefoot, but it's on a padded floor and I've seen others do it. I think I liked it but would prefer to run with socks with a sole grip. (Update: The next day, I went to work and a co-worker showed me some "moon boots" she got and gave me the catalog--they are socks with a rubber sole.)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Housewives of MS
Friday, October 22, 2010
Yuengling is coming west!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Dog food dilemma, again
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Leashes, anyone?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Weave 101B
Monday, October 18, 2010
Trial update
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Say goodbye to the food journal
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Weave 201
Food journal
Monday, October 11, 2010
Food journal
Yesterday--Sunday, I had a banana and miniwheats before bowling. (High score: 94, new personal best.) Lunch at Red Robin: one onion ring with chipotle mayo; chicken alla caprese platter (chicken, mozarella, salad) and mint brownie shake. Oh, a few parmesan fries, too.
An apple on my way to grocery shopping. Panda Express for dinner: half fried rice, half steamed veggies with orange chicken and mushroom chicken (just ate the zucchini and mushrooms). 2 fortune cookies.
I'm not going to try to recreate the previous days!
Today, I had a Yoplait smoothie (frozen mix) with added Cascade Fresh blueberry yogurt, a frozen sliced banana, flax and milk. M had the other serving.
For lunch, I had Chipotle--bowl with rice, pinto beans, chicken, cheese, sour cream, tomatoes and tomatillo salsa, and lettuce; ice tea.
Banana laffy taffy and smarties
Wasn't feeling very good (okay, I was in terrible pain at the end of the day, although I had been fine earlier) when I got home, but made dinner. Had potatoes and zucchini with parmesan; ice tea; and a frozen eclair.
I made a carrot cake for tomorrow's potluck, so I had a bunch of cream cheese frosting before I went to bed at 11:30.
Washing produce
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I like it on the counter or the chair at the kitchen table
I did not get the email, but there is a Facebook trend of women posting where they put their purse--to raise breast cancer awareness. I'm not sure what my purse has to do with my breast health, but I didn't get the connection when I heard this during a conversation today. The previous breast cancer awareness Facebook status was bra color. I did not understand why men were supposed to be left out (although I understand they had their own boxer campaign) since men DO get breast cancer also. My main issue with many of these non-profits (HSUS as a shining example) and campaigns:
"...more money is spent on salaried employees creating a marketing campaign than is spent on research and patient support."
While I'd like to say FB posts are all in good fun, I have to agree with both articles: these Facebook status updates do nothing to raise awareness of breast cancer, breast cancer is not the number one cause that should be promoted for women (see heart disease), and all this pink crap imported from other (often quality deficient) countries is not significantly (if at all) making any difference. I've walked and donated for causes, but I am getting (cynical) to the point that I don't think enough money is going to the cause when so much is spent on marketing and fundraising for more marketing and fundraising. Is there really anyone left in this country that isn't aware of breast cancer? Can we work on the causes and cures for diseases now? Can these non-profits stop funding drug company research and development and instead fund independent research and prevention programs? Too idealistic?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Hail storm!
I got a call that class was cancelled, so I ran some errands on the way home. As I opened my trunk to grab a shopping bag, I noticed the hail dent marks. Although the top didn't rip, it is damaged--it appears stretched out (saggy) but it's still wet, so I'll wait to see what it looks like in a couple of days. That certainly made for an interesting drive home, hopefully to never be repeated.
Food journal
Dutch bros medium annihalator
Pei Wei--some new Thai noodle dish (ate about 2/3); mandarin orange green tea
cashews and sour cream crackers
chicken with potatoes and zucchini
4 Late July sandwich cookies
Yoplait smoothie with apple juice, greek yogurt, frozen banana (makes 2--had half)
leftover Pei Wei; orange mint lifesaver
Wildflower half sandwich Chicken Continental on 9 grain with broccoli cheddar soup (it was a soup kinda day!) and tea
Cucumber slices with leftover (greek) hummus, pita, feta and tzaki, 2 olives
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Food journal
Alice or Daria?

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Food journal
Friday, October 1, 2010
Food journal
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Food journal
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Food journal
Frosted mini-wheats with milk
red bell pepper with artichoke spinach hommus
(My FIL shared his lunch): 1/2 Cousins ham and cheese sub with lettuce, tomato, mayo, pickles; BBQ popchips and green tea
lettuce and tomato salad with Caesar dressing; lasagna and cheese Chiabbata toast; green tea
(everyone was talking about ice cream on FB today): Breyer's chocolate ice cream with banana and caramel
Brain Fog

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Food journal
Weave 201
Monday, September 27, 2010
Why Companies Should Insist on Napping
Food journal
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Food Journal
Lunch at Bertha's Cafe with 2 co-workers: turkey sandwich (no mayo, the bacon and avocado were great) with salad (has fruit and cheese with 1/2 container of balsamic dressing) and mini chocolate cookie; ice tea
Social hour (networking): 1 glass Cabernet, 3 small Swedish meatballs, tiny dog in blanket, and 2 mini quiche
On way home/dinner: Dirty brand Maui onion chips (leftover from lunch special) and Dutch Bros. Cocomo freeze ($2 special)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Food journal
Weave 101
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Moving, moving, moving...
Friday, September 17, 2010
Food journal
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Food Journal
leftover jambalaya for breakfast with vanilla milk
lunch with boss: BLT salad with balsamic dressing, small roll, turkey chili soup, and jasmine green ice tea (the soup and tea were great, the salad was blah, although the bacon was yummy.)
Hungry cause I had salad for lunch! Kashi go lean bar (yep, they still suck), 2 banana laffy taffy and an orange mint Lifesaver
Mahi-mahi with spicy sweet dry rub and potatoes and zucchini
chocolate pudding with redi whip
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Food Journal
frozen burrito (Cedar Lane beef) with avocado and sour cream; green ice tea
chips with nacho cheese (was actually going to have carrots but they seemed old, kinda slimy, grossed me out)
Dream Dinners jambalaya
vanilla milk