First was a sequence with a tunnel, U turn to a 6 pole weave, 3 jumps in an arch with a front cross between the last two, wrap around to a 6 pole weave, front cross into a tunnel and back out to those same weaves. Teka did pretty well, but I had to open the first weaveomatic to help with her entry.
The second exercise was a tunnel into a channel weave entry at the 10:00 position, front cross to a jump, wrap back into the weaves. The first time Teka came out of the tunnel, another dog was running by on the 3 pole exercise, chasing his toy that rolled by. She came within inches but just seemed surprised, didn't snap or anything. She seemed a little nervous after that but once we started playing again, she got over it.
On the 3 pole exercise, she kept stopping at the third pole, so D told me to click and throw the treat simultaneously, and make sure I do it early enough that she's still moving. It's a lot of timing--I'm not doing so well on that yet.
Last, we did the weavomatic with a couple toys laying nearby. Teka went through without looking at the toys, and started to even figure out that the treat frisbee was her goal. (I forgot her treat bag.) So next was the body torture--I skipped and waved my arms. She didn't care at all. Then I stopped halfway down--she did not like that. We tried again and I stopped when she had 3 poles left. She really thought about it, and then she finished and went to her frisbee. Awesome.
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