
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What I'm eating now

I've been trying products with some good results, some not so good results.  The yogurt (plain and flavored) made of coconut milk was not great and not worth the money.  The falafel chips were meh.

Quinoa flakes were an excellent discovery--it's like a Cream of Wheat substitute and it's pretty quick to cook too.

At Fresh & Easy, they had some Enjoy Life cookies on clearance, so I bought all three flavors they had: chocolate chip, gingerbread, and lemon.  The chocolate chip were okay and I haven't had the lemon yet, but the gingerbread cookies were surprisingly good.  Now, I should clarify that they are more cake-like cookies, but the flavor is awesome.  I've been eating them two at a time with a little glass of Peppermint Mocha Kahlua and Almond Milk.

I'm still eating the Food Should Be Good sweet potato chips and jalapeno chips and have found some cassava chips that are similar to Ruffles.  I also like the adzuki bean chips.  Unfortunately, they are all more expensive than "regular" chips so I make sure I eat them all!

I have found some really great goat cheese variations.  Most recently, I ate Gouda that I got at Fresh & Easy.  I'm planning to go back to Trader Joe's for some more cheddar, and I picked up some mozzarella at Sprout's.  I'm trying to rotate them as I want to make sure they don't go bad before I have time to eat them.  Waste not, want not, or something.

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