
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thankfilled. Part 2.

V (me!) got 4 strikes and 2 spares
I got my new left-handed high score in bowling today, the first time using my new ball.  Well, technically, I used it already, but it stuck to my thumb, causing me to do a funky dance that looked a lot like someone following their ball past the foul line, grabbing it and coming back, so I had it re-drilled.  Okay, I'm not great, but I'm improving.  This was even after I started with 5 gutter balls because the thumb was still sticking--but my husband let me have some slip grip.

During my excellent-ish bowling of four games averaging a 90 (I know! Don't be jealous!), I was holding my right arm behind my back or over the front so that I wouldn't swing it.  Awkward!  But my right arm-shoulder-neck area was still hurting.  Not as much as it was, but still painful in certain positions.  It seems to be decreasing, so I wonder if I will still have to go to a medical professional.  Of course I mean separate from all the medical appointments I have scheduled in the next two weeks.

I decided that today was a cheat day since we were celebrating Thanksgiving at my niece's house later.  Good decision, as we had lunch at BJ's, which has a severely contaminated menu.  Their gluten-free menu is pretty short to start with, and that's just my non-negotiable diet choices.  So I had some soy and dairy.  *sigh*  The balsamic chicken (no onion strings) was good though.

I asked the waitress if she knew whether the cider had yeast; she came back and told me about their g/f beer and that the cider was not guaranteed g/f (although it's listed on the g/f menu).  Well, isn't that special?  I don't think that's what I asked.  At. All.  Oh, well, as best as I can tell from my online research, cider may or may not contain yeast.  I'll pass.  I should have stuck with water to drink--I had some pomegranate drink that was sugary sweet.  My girlfriends had pazookie and they let me have a tiny bit of vanilla ice cream off the top before they dug in.  It was enough.

At my niece's house, I asked my sister, M, about what was in stuff and she seemed a little upset that she forgot about my issues.  I told her I'd be able to eat, just not everything.  I had a little turkey and ham (really good, cooked with pineapple), candied sweet potatoes (I'd like more sweet potatoes and less candied personally, but I know that's how it's done in the family) and mashed potatoes and gravy.  That's right, I had gravy.  M made it and she uses cornstarch instead of flour.  Not necessarily gluten-free, but it is considered wheat-free.  Close enough for today.  It was great to see everyone after so long.  Again.

Saw this on the web (advice from a 2 year old): "Whether the glass is half empty or half full is irrelevant if you dump it out on the sofa. You’re welcome." 

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