When I filled out the MS survey this week, the risk survey, I thought I would take less risk for physical disabilities than mental disabilities. I would take more risk to avoid cognitive issues that are possible with MS. I think I have some short-term memory lapses but when Dr. M asks if I have any issues, I can never remember any examples. Funny, huh?
On my recent trip, I received a bag that included a little book with all of the schedule information. At the end of the first day, I saw the guy next to me pick up the book and walk away. I was a little annoyed that he took my schedule, so I went to get another. Soon after, I realized that I had put my schedule book in the front pocket of the bag. So I had two--I'd had a complete lapse of memory.
I recently posted that my friend brought me a snack. Well, I'm really enjoying my snack but she did not bring it; I think I bought it while at Costco last time.
Today, we had friends over to watch football and play games, including our new Cornhole game. We got some hot Italian sausages so my husband asked for the grilling tongs. I found them in the cabinet in the garage where I put some kitchen things I didn't need when we moved in. Unfortunately, to get to the cabinet, I had to move some stuff that had been placed in front. (Because everyone puts large items in front of cabinet doors, right?!) Worse, I realized that it was a bunch of stuff that was supposed to be in the house. I was looking for the hanging luggage bag for my recent trip and couldn't find it--and there it was, in the garage, not with the rest of the luggage. I kind of lost my mind then. It's hard enough to remember where things are without them being in places I wouldn't put them. It's possible that someone told me it was there or I saw it but I didn't put it there. Fortunately, my friends were here to help me laugh about it. I know there will be many more of these "can't find it cause it's not where I put it" moments. As annoying as they are, I'm terrified of the other moments, the total lapse of memory moments.
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