Teka ran early, while it was still cool, and got a second place Q in Novice Jumpers, earning her title.
After a long wait, when it was getting hot, was Cassi's Open Jumpers course. She missed her weave entry, messed up the correction, and popped out at #10. Then I thought she had committed to an out-around for a jump sequence where I need to get across to the other side of the next jump, but she hadn't, so we got another refusal. Not a Q.
Next was her Open Standard run. She got distracted briefly but nailed her weaves, did the teeter fine, and finished strong. This earned her a first place Q--the only Q in her height.
Next was Open FAST. Teka ran first, really nailing the serpentine and the send bonus of two tunnels, but we ran over time. Then I ran it with Cassi, thinking she could do it but she lost time on the serpentine and totally messed up the send bonus so we went over time without completing it. It was pretty difficult, not very good flow, and the time is so short. I was just so pleased with how well Teka stayed focused.
Our last course was Teka's Novice Standard. She seemed really upbeat so I was a little hopeful. The first half of the course was just like Open Standard. We started off well, but as we approached the weaves, I said "with me" and she knew it was the weaves, so she did the nervous pee. Oh! She still has NO Novice Standard Q's and she is done with Novice FAST and Novice Jumpers.
The weekend tally: Cassi got a Q each day and Teka got the three Qs she needed to finish 2 titles. I wore my "Change your attitude" shirt today to remind me to breathe and have fun, and remove the dog from the situation if it's not working. I think I helped them both have a good time for the last trial they will have until the fall. This summer, we will need to practice weaves (in public) and tire jumps, and broad jumps for Teka.

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