Cassi got a Q in Novice Standard and Open Jumpers--her first Open Q. She did not get the Novice FAST because she decided to stand on the teeter and then jump off the side and ran out of time. It was disappointing because the course had a choice for the distance work--either weaves or a tunnel a little further away. Cassi chose the weaves and DID them perfectly. And then didn't Q--so annoying. If I had been faster improvising, she could have still Q'd without the teeter. Oh well.
Teka got a Novice Jumpers Q. It was with a lot of spectators and I had to do the special weave treatment for her: I told her to get in, and then gave her the out, in routine through the weaves, which was super slow and everyone laughed. But she made up the time and got her Q.
So Teka got one each day and Cassi went 5 for 6. Great weekend!

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