The diary of a working woman living in Metro Phoenix, and pursuing a healthy life while dealing with Multiple Sclerosis, autoimmune thyroid diseases, and food allergies
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Agility class
I missed two weeks in a row and didn't blog about the other week, either right before or right after. I should know that I won't remember. But I get home so late that it's hard to do the blogging right away. So my training journal is a little light....
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Nissan Leaf
I want to get rid of my Volvo after we move--the maintenance is very expensive. For a while, I may drive M's car. But I saw this article about a new Nissan, the Leaf, an electric car. It is supposedly going to be offered at a reasonable price. For commuting, this may be awesome, although the range is bordering on inpractical for me. However, I got the impression from my boss recently that it may not be a problem.
The article says that production will be low to start with and they expect wait lists. I wouldn't want a first year model anyway, but this is what got me. The article says that most of the interest is coming from people driving hybrids. Um, why don't those people let the people that aren't driving hybrids buy them first? Is this going to be another conspicous green effort? So annoying.
The article says that production will be low to start with and they expect wait lists. I wouldn't want a first year model anyway, but this is what got me. The article says that most of the interest is coming from people driving hybrids. Um, why don't those people let the people that aren't driving hybrids buy them first? Is this going to be another conspicous green effort? So annoying.
Monday, March 29, 2010
My Body is a Temple
I started out reading this blog entry (found through a LinkedIn Group) and thought it was kind of hokey, but the meat of the post was intriguing. As someone with a chronic disease and long-lasting effects from major body trauma, I have trouble loving my body. In fact, since I was diagnosed with MS, I generally feel that my body has betrayed me. But I also realize that I have abilities that were not guaranteed. When the doctors told my sister in 1993 that I would probably not walk again, they were wrong, so I am constantly reminded that my body has given me something to be grateful for. I like the author's thought to "adore and adorn" the temple.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Elizabeth's birthday party
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Anthony's first soccer game. He's four, going on five, and I gather he's playing because his friend likes soccer. They play every Saturday morning (around the corner from our current house) for a month or two, but I'm not sure we'll be able to make it to many games. The game was amusing, although we can't take the dogs to that park (I had to take Cassi home, but then other people had dogs) and I'm not too impressed with the soccer treats of donuts and "juice" bags.

Friday, March 26, 2010
I'm working on the family book. I am so behind. I haven't worked on the dogs' stuff since I finished the Year of the Dog book (2006) so I am really, really behind. I still have the FL book to finish too but I can kind of blame that one on M since I actually still need some photos for it. I was hoping to be moved and unpacked by now to get re-organized but no such luck, still! I don't want to re-order things I have, so I'm just doing family books for now.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Missed agility class
I missed class due to being upset. I had a really horrible thing happen to me at a professional association meeting. A person who is not completing his responsibilities caught me off-guard and criticized me (including comments about me being a woman). It was so unnecessary and unexpected and I took it really personally. It's so hard to make it to class after these meetings anyway, but this just drained me.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Happy, Healthy, and Rich?
An article about being wealthy and healthy, had this (so true) quote:
Most people commit the first half of their life to spending their health trying to gain wealth – and the second half of their lives spending their wealth to regain their health. C. Gonstead
Dave Caruso’s Top 10 of Wealth:
Dr. Stephen Franson’s Top 10 of Health:
Most people commit the first half of their life to spending their health trying to gain wealth – and the second half of their lives spending their wealth to regain their health. C. Gonstead
Dave Caruso’s Top 10 of Wealth:
- Be sure to set up a cash flow and net worth statement to figure out where you are right now.
- Set up an automatic savings program (retirement or personal) so that money is taken out before you even see it.
- Put together a “life to do list” and start with your top 5 or 10 hopes.
- Do an annual financial checklist of items to complete.
- Reduce your debt, unless you’re earning more on your investments than you are paying on your loans.
- Have an investment policy statement that says what your asset allocation should be.
- Compute your cash flow to see whether you have enough money to do the things that you want to do.
- Read an investment book or take an investment course.
- Have your will written, as well as your estate plan.
- Stay Healthy!
Dr. Stephen Franson’s Top 10 of Health:
- Make up your mind to do it.
- Add more water to your diet and stay hydrated.
- Add more movement in your life.
- Master your morning as a great lead into the rest of the day.
- Reduce doubt.
- Reduce non-organic foods.
- Reduce nerve interference.
- Stop procrastinating.
- Stop toxic habits like smoking.
- Stop “shoulding” yourself about all the things you think you ought to be doing. Just do it!
Monday, March 22, 2010
A tennis ball and a foam roller can improve flexibility and reduce pain? Awesome, I have both! Grab either a small ball or a rolled-up towel and squeeze it between your thighs. While keeping that tension, reach for the ground. You can sink lower because pressing together your adductors stabilizes the pelvis.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
HFCS and Table Sugar are not equals
Princeton researchers made rats obese (not fat, obese) by giving them access to lower doses of HFCS than the amount of sugar given to the control group of rats. That corn subsidy is not doing a body good!
And the best explanation of the difference: as a result of the manufacturing process for high-fructose corn syrup, the fructose molecules in the sweetener are free and unbound, ready for absorption and utilization. In contrast, every fructose molecule in sucrose that comes from cane sugar or beet sugar is bound to a corresponding glucose molecule and must go through an extra metabolic step before it can be utilized.
A very readable summary.
And the best explanation of the difference: as a result of the manufacturing process for high-fructose corn syrup, the fructose molecules in the sweetener are free and unbound, ready for absorption and utilization. In contrast, every fructose molecule in sucrose that comes from cane sugar or beet sugar is bound to a corresponding glucose molecule and must go through an extra metabolic step before it can be utilized.
A very readable summary.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Lady doctor
I haven't been to the lady doc since I had my tubal ligation done (yes, it was a few years ago!) so I am really, really overdue. I had my appointment today and all appears well!
Monday, March 15, 2010
No boys allowed
I registered last week to attend and totally spaced going. My use of calendars is not working. I have a plan but it's not working! I'm reluctant to try to put a new plan in place while my house is chaotic, waiting for the next step--moving!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Guns and Ostriches?
We went out to the desert with W to do a little shooting. I've decided on what I like and M is passing the info on to J.
Since we were already out east, we called some friends, who were going to the Ostrich Festival. By the time we got there, they were with the kids in the rides and games section, so we actually never saw any animals. But we ate some bad food, got some kettle corn, and headed home.
That's a tiring day!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Eye doctor
I called and scheduled an appointment to get new contacts (needing a new prescription, of course). I did not realize I usually go to one company but made the appointment with the other that is apparently in the same mall. So I went to a new doctor. Well, I ended up going in five times (plus one to pick up the actual final contacts). First the exam, and a trial pair for my left eye astigmatism. Then a new pair because that was really uncomfortable and my eye was goopy the whole time I tried to wear that one. Then back because I realized that I couldn't see. Then back because it still wasn't right. Then I went back with my previous prescription and he gave me a pair at that prescription. So five visits to get what I had.
The issue seems to be that I just don't have clear vision in my left eye, whether from astigmatism or the previous optic neuritis (MS) issue. Unfortunately, I am left eye dominant, so I'd like to be able to see for my four day handgun course! The doctor said that I can get Lasik but it will not correct my vision any more than contacts, I just wouldn't have to wear contacts. I'm concerned about getting surgery when the doctor can't even figure out what I can or can't see. Anyway, all done for a year. I'll probably get a new eye doctor since this is so out of the way for me anyway, and more so after we move.
I got my ring back from the ring doctor today too. The prong was bent and now it's fixed and shiny!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Trial update
Today was my quarterly doctor updates. I saw Dr. M and I'm fairly certain that all my left side tests were weaker but he did not indicate any issues. Dr. G seems to think I'm doing really well and is happy that I still haven't had any episodes. He reminded me that my next infusion is in June (so I need to make sure I don't have a conflict with my out of town time.) He also highly recommends AGAINST Lasik, explaining it improves far vision but does nothing for near vision, which gets worse as you get into the 4os. Hmmm, more research needed. Everyone that tells me I should get it has not had it long and is my age or younger.
Then I headed back to the Research Center for the vitals. Almost done but she can't find my vein for the 4 vials of blood she needs from me. Let's bring in another guy to try; nope, he sticks me but doesn't get it. So we get to go to Sonora Labs to have someone else do it. (She did stop and buy me Starbucks on the way like I cared about that, I just wanted to be done.) Fortunately, there was only about a 15 minute wait there and the girl got it easily. Just weird to go to the lab and we have our own vials. Three hours of this. I can't wait (no, really, I totally can) until I have to commute across town to do this.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
100 Years of Boy Scout
I was obviously not a Boy Scout, and I always like to learn something new, so this slideshow has a few interesting tidbits.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Rules of Good Nutrition
Eat breakfast.
Snack with purpose (aka strategic snacking).
Beware of portion distortion.
Drink responsibly: according to research from the University of North Carolina, Americans now slurp up nearly 25 percent of their calories in liquid form; nearly double the rate we used to drink just 20 years ago. (Mike's dentist agrees with this one! Soda is bad for your dental health; bad dental health is bad for your heart. You only have one...)
Eat More Whole Food and Fewer Science Experiments.
Set the Table.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Rain all day, rain all night. Well, except for the hail!
Went out to consult with J about handguns and give Cassi a reward: hunt training. Spent some time in the evening under the blankets with Cassi and Teka trying to thaw and stay dry!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Fiesta Cluster AKC Agility Trial
Cassi got a Q in Novice Standard and Open Jumpers--her first Open Q. She did not get the Novice FAST because she decided to stand on the teeter and then jump off the side and ran out of time. It was disappointing because the course had a choice for the distance work--either weaves or a tunnel a little further away. Cassi chose the weaves and DID them perfectly. And then didn't Q--so annoying. If I had been faster improvising, she could have still Q'd without the teeter. Oh well.
Teka got a Novice Jumpers Q. It was with a lot of spectators and I had to do the special weave treatment for her: I told her to get in, and then gave her the out, in routine through the weaves, which was super slow and everyone laughed. But she made up the time and got her Q.
So Teka got one each day and Cassi went 5 for 6. Great weekend!

Friday, March 5, 2010
Fiesta Cluster AKC Agility Trial
Cassi went 3 for 3! She got Qs in FAST, Jumpers, and Standard. She moved up to Open FAST Sunday.
Teka got a Q in FAST.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
My poor car
My car is so expensive to maintain. I took it in for some issues--some were fixed and some, well, not so much. My convertible top stopped working and it is quite a bit of $$ to fix it, so I'm going to delay the repair until later.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
DOCNA Agility Class
Interesting introduction to DOCNA but I can't keep track of the rules for the two venues I'm running now (AKC and USDAA) so I don't think I'm adding another to the mix!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Great writing
I've been told I should write a book about my life. I think that would be a terrible book! However, I ran across this interesting blog entry "3 secrets to great writing, 5 books that get you there". The War of Art sounds like it might be a good book anyway, addressing Resistance (aka Procrastination, a very good friend of mine!). I also like the idea of the Morning Pages, sitting and writing about whatever. I've had trouble with journaling because it's disjointed and imperfect, so the Morning Pages help with that issue.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Toxic Waters
It is just ridiculous that anyone would think they are exempt from clean water laws. If you are on this planet, you should be concerned with the water. What is wrong with people?! Apparently it's all about jurisdiction and the definition of navigable waters (used in the Clean Water Act). Let's make all the discontinued investigations public knowledge and see how that impacts these companies that claim they are exempt, so they can put oil and toxins in our waterways.
There is legislation called the Clean Water Restoration Act that would remove the term "navigable" but is, of course, being held up by industry lobbyists. (Waters Advocacy Coalition--doesn't that sound benign? It includes the Home Builders Association. I know that home builders do not care about the water supply. Construction crews routinely wash paint and solvents onto the ground. Opponents, such as Glen Beck, say that the change would mean that rainwater would even be regulated. I say, good! Who should be putting toxins into puddles, anyway? There have been several stories in the news lately about entire communities with no drinkable tap water. This will not get better by letting polluters know they are not policed.
There is legislation called the Clean Water Restoration Act that would remove the term "navigable" but is, of course, being held up by industry lobbyists. (Waters Advocacy Coalition--doesn't that sound benign? It includes the Home Builders Association. I know that home builders do not care about the water supply. Construction crews routinely wash paint and solvents onto the ground. Opponents, such as Glen Beck, say that the change would mean that rainwater would even be regulated. I say, good! Who should be putting toxins into puddles, anyway? There have been several stories in the news lately about entire communities with no drinkable tap water. This will not get better by letting polluters know they are not policed.
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