
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I had the day off for President's Day. I worked on stuff around the house like cleaning and laundry. I unpacked the plastic tubs in the closet, sorted and repacked. I'm currently wearing 14/16/XL. I have an entire wardrobe of 12/L (3 tubs) and another tub of 10/M. I also have some smaller containers of Bugs Bunny clothing, which probably would add up to another bin. I did get rid of some pieces as I went; if I was that size and wouldn't wear it anyway, it went. But I don't want to replace things like jeans and sweaters when I get back to those sizes! Next time I get an energy surge, I'll tackle Mike's half of the closet--maybe.

We worked on packing Saturday too. Out of two (partial) days, I have two boxes to go to Goodwill, plus M sent more than a box worth to hazardous waste. I think after the move, I may end up paring down some more. I'll keep watching Hoarders for inspiration! I also got the gardening done. The roses are cut back, the bare spot filled in with a cutting from a rose and an aloe vera plant. I have a little more yard work to do before the (eventual?) move.

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