Two days, two dogs, two rings, one me! Teka was in the wrong height class; she has been measured now and will be entered at 20 inches instead of 24, but I entered her in 24, same as Cassi. That was NOT good. I think Cassi was feeling it that she didn't get enough one-on-one time before her runs and she was a total flake half the time. She also did the super slow teeter moves and the refusing the tire and didn't get one set of weaves completely correct all weekend. I'm not even sure if she had fun, but I think she did at least some of the time.

Teka did much better than Cassi but she went right after Cassi all but once so she didn't get enough "focus on me" time and ended two runs with (probably from stress) peeing on the course. One of them, a FAST course, she actually would have qualified if she hadn't peed. She also had some trouble with the tire, and near the end of the weekend, the extra tall jump height was getting to her--she started dropping bars on jumps. But she stayed pretty focused on me (some sniffing issues, but that's to be expected at her FIRST trial!) and she does a beautiful teeter and broad jump. Weaves are super slow; we'll have to work on that.

I was very stressed out and probably did not help my dogs with that energy. I tried breathing but I'm really glad I decided to skip the USDAA trial next weekend. The next AKC trial is the following weekend when I have to be out at Robbins Butte for the VSWC Hunt Test, and the next one is the BIG show Cynosports at Westworld, happening while I'm in Denver, so the next AKC Trial for me to consider will be Wags for Wishes around New Year's. The only other trial I know of before then is the USDAA Contact Zonies show the first weekend in December, which I may do, but I won't have the truck, as well as Mike or his dad to help out.
I would like to get a real teeter so I can work on Cassi's issue. I also need to take my weave poles out to some parks and work on them with both girls. And more!
It was still too hot for agility running this weekend. I didn't get sunburned but I went to bed at 8 last night and slept for about 10 hours straight.
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