
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Bees and tacos

Doesn't my garden look tranquil? So beautiful.
The bees have arrived. We think (as happened at our previous house and recently at a neighbor's house) they are just passing through but it's hella freaky to see a swarm arrive and settle in.
Let's move away from there. Mick and the helpers are building a tiered flower garden.
In the farm, I got my first spaghetti squash of the season. I'll cook them this weekend.
Before heading home from work I stopped at Whole Foods. I found my Garden of Eatin taco shells and a cheaper WF version, 2 dressings I can have (no soybean oil and bonus: apple cider vinegar instead of any other), and overpriced honey mustard that I had to have because it is PaleoChef and super clean so I can have it. :)
I made tacos using the blue shells. I may have used too much guacamole. Nah, that's not possible. But you can't tell they aren't just guaco tacos! Yum. 

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