
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Glasses. Freaks. Men.

I haven't been to a Freaks at the Table meeting in a long time and have really wanted to go, so I planned to attend after a work thing. During the social hour of the work thing, I visited with people who have known me a long time as well as some newcomers. I was really surprised at the positive reactions I received about my glasses. Someone (older) even suggested I looked like some sexy (in the day) actress who wore glasses; of course, I immediately forgot who she said.

Someone I really like (and should totally be friends with IRL) introduced me to a guest who was really interested in my hot mess-ness. She has a client who works at Celebration and she wants to introduce me. Celebration does stem cell therapies. While I know that research is being done with stem cells for MS treatment, I don't think I can handle more guinea pig treatments. Anyway, she was very nice, enthusiastic, and very complimentary, telling me such nice things that I'd like to think are true but I don't feel it.

I met with some Freaks at Nourish, where we chatted for a couple of hours. I decided to try something different and had the Asian chicken wraps and marinated beet salad. I really liked the wraps; the other Freak who had them thought they were too messy. She has a whey allergy so we discussed that, how all the info is about lactose and not whey. She mentioned whey being added to something unexpected but it wasn't something I would (could?) eat so I forgot what it was. The beets were shaped like noodles and were good but I liked them better with the nutty Asian sauce for the tacos.

I also had dessert, an apple crumble. It was too dark for a photo but it was cooked or baked apple chunks with a quinoa crumble. It was okay but it needed something more IMO, something to make it less dry I guess. I actually didn't realize (think to ask) that it would be quinoa. I mentioned to the owner that I don't avoid quinoa but I minimize it because I've heard it's related to amaranth which I'm allergic to. It seemed like I got a weird reaction, like she was agreeing with me but she wasn't sure whether or not I could eat it.

I really like her but she did rub me the wrong way when she started saying allergies are anaphylactic and the rest is sensitivities. Perhaps I misunderstood what she was saying but I *so* don't agree with that opinion.

She also told me about an app to track the lady cycles after I mentioned that my husband Mick suggested it seems I always get "sick" right before my period. She uses it with her doctor to help see when and why she has symptoms. I'm going to check it out but I'm not sure about the amount of tracking it seems I would have to do.

I was sitting next to a guy who is a bigger freak than me. He reacts to chicken so he doesn't eat meat except some fish occasionally  He and the owner are friends and were talking among themselves quite a lot but they did rejoin the group. I think that sometimes when people have chosen to be super strict, they come off condescending, like they have it figured out and you could too if you just juiced, ate raw, gave up meat, or whatever. "Just" get past the part where everyone struggles and quits and you too can have excellent health (except it sounds like he still has struggles...I'm so confused!)

Mick called as we were wrapping up. He seemed upset, said it's almost 10, are you coming home, I'm going to bed. O.M.G. It was 10 after 9, so I got home at 10. And when would I ever NOT come home? So dramatic! Of course he was still up when I got home and he's still up now that *I* am going to bed.

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