
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Coming up roses

It's been rainy, dusty, windy today. I went out with my friend M for some mall walking (shopping) and lunch. I think my DH wanted me to cancel to do something else, but the timing (weather) worked out better that I didn't cancel.

When I got home, we went to Baker Nursery. I was nervous about dragging him and his parents all the way to Baker, but it's one of the oldest nurseries in the Valley. It's near my office and I love it! The rain had stopped when we arrived, but we found out they had some serious weather earlier. We checked out the roses and picked out our 6 hybrid tea (HT) and 5 grandiflora (GF) roses. My MIL and FIL picked out a rose for their garden as well as some zucchini seeds. We asked about planting the roses and got an earful of useful information. We bought 3 bags of Forest Magic (compost mulch) and a bag of pelletized gypsum to use for the 11 roses.

I thought it was too late to plant them when we got home, but M disagreed. We were able to plant the three GF on the southeast side of the yard (right side as you drive into the paved driveway).  They are Cherry Parfait (closest to the road), Sonia, and Ch-ching (closest to the house).

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