
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wags for Wishes Agility Trial

First was FAST class. I walked it differently for Cassi and Teka, but Cassi decided she wanted to go the way I was planning for Teka, kind of. She went over the first jump and then beelined for the teeter! And did it quickly! I actually thought we qualified but I must have stepped on the bonus line or something cause I got a fault and in FAST, you can only get a fault on the send bonus. She did the bonus, so I'm disappointed in whatever I did! Mike and his dad had a communication problem, so Mike was not there to see or video.

Teka went next, and actually did pretty well, but after she got through the tunnel for the send bonus, she didn't do the jump and came back across the line, so she got a fault too. And then she poo'd in the ring. Aargh! Well, at least she wasn't going to qualify anyway.

In Jumpers with Weaves, Cassi did very well, even got the weaves. Q!

Teka was harder to get through the course, but we managed to get through it. The weaves took long enough to keep her from getting a Q, and she had to be coached through every obstacle. She is a LOT of work.

Our last course was Standard. Cassi did very well, including a tire jump and a fast teeter. She took a bit of a detour when I had a late call; she came off the dog walk and over a jump, and I called her to the weaves but she was already heading off to explore. I got her back and had to coach her into a sit on the table, but she managed to get her Q. Whew....

Teka started off well, but she wasted a lot of time on the weaves and never got the last one (and it was only 6!), so she did not Q. The upside is that she did all the obstacles and I was able to get her attention when she started looking for a place to pee.

Another interesting thing today was that Teka is acting like she wants to play with other dogs on occasion, so I am encouraging her with a good girl. Of course the one time she did it in front of Mike, she started growling, so I smacked her butt lightly with the floppy Frisbee to break her focus on the other dog, and led her away. (It was someone who knows us.) I don't know if I'm doing the right thing, but I don't want her to think that other dogs mean bad things for her.

I am trying to keep my hopes low, but Cassi could finish two titles tomorrow. (JWW and FAST) My goals for tomorrow are: with Cassi, fast teeter, no hesitation on the tire, and for me, early calls; for Teka, keeping her motivated and reducing her stress level, completing the course and hopefully all of the obstacles. A complete weave from Teka would be awesome!

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