
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Garden update - Cantaloupe is squishy

I haven't been out to the "farm" in a few days. When I got to the cantaloupe, I saw many needed to be picked. Except that a few of them were already being eaten. I don't know what those bugs are--another new one for me--but O.M.G. this is so gross. I try not to use a lot of spray in my garden but I sprayed the hell out of these cantaloupes, bugs, ground underneath with an "organic" Safer brand spray.

so. freakin. gross.
Between the lighting and my phone camera sucking, I couldn't get a photo of this other weird bug under one of them. It was most similar to a large black ant with wings but it wasn't an ant. Oh of course I'm having ant problems elsewhere in the garden too.

I ended up throwing out about a dozen cantaloupe. I knew that would happen. I just can't get to them as fast as they come and I really don't just eat them, so I have to "process" them. I also had one go bad in my kitchen because I forgot to find room for it in the fridge.

I'm pretty sure this is why it takes me a while after gardening to think about dinner plans. If I lived alone, I probably wouldn't bother eating dinner.

I finally pulled all my green onions WAY too late, but now I have no idea what to do with them. There's only so much you can throw them in. I feel like I just need one of each plant. Or to plant a seed or two every week for things that produce more limited amounts. I actually did only plant one eggplant based on the enormous crop we had last season; my one plant seems to be doing well so far.

My latest (and planted way too late) radishes and carrots are coming up; the herbs I planted from seed do not seem to be coming up and the transplanted ones seem to be dying. The bell peppers and jalapenos are starting to produce. I've eaten all the artichokes and don't see any more coming yet. And the basil seems quite happy.
I don't know what this little beetle came in on, but ew.

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