I had a long list of things I wanted to make again or try for the first time. I knew I would have to take it in steps, relax a while between tasks. I cleaned the kitchen and started some laundry. Then I made these teff pancakes for the first time. As someone in the comments suggested, I used all coconut oil instead of including syrup or honey. I also added some pumpkin pie spice halfway through making them and thought that was a good addition.
I also made a package of Niman Farms applewood bacon and it was excellent. Mick liked it too and I made a batch of "his" pancakes for him after recleaning the kitchen. After making his glutinous pancakes, I recleaned the kitchen again, started another load of laundry, and then took a break for while.
I was hoping to make a batch of barbecue sauce, something with the last of my eggplant, some butternut squash soup, and a maybe a dessert, but those things will have to wait to another day.
For dinner, I tried a blackened redfish recipe for the red snapper I picked up at Lee Lee Oriental/International market. I had some extra so I used it on the mackerel too. Additionally, I made some rice, the gumbo veggies with some fresh parsley, file and cayenne, and Swiss chard. Mick really liked the fish seasoning but not the veggies so much. I thought it was good though! I'm quite exhausted now!
Note: when I made these pancakes a couple weeks later, they stuck really bad on the pan. Too much liquid? They still tasted good!
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