
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Last doctor visit of the year

I briefly saw Dr. H and spent some time with my students for the last time.  L worked on my back and shoulders (back includes the butt area as before) and then on the front, she focused mostly on the hip and thigh area.  We discussed the previous suggestion from my other student that I should get tested for Celiac.  She confirmed with the doctor, and I will get tested for Celiac and a more extensive allergy test in January.  The students started on the paperwork while L was working on my shoulders.  It was interesting, since they were not initially involved in my case, that they did not realize that I had Celiac symptoms--nausea, vomiting, pain, etc.  Dr. H came in at one point to tell them to continue their discussion (I was not involved) about the paperwork later so that I could relax.

I will have the test when I have my next appointment.  Since I had Celiac symptoms, the test should be covered by insurance, but the allergy test will be paid out of pocket by me.  I will have to eat wheat three times, about a week apart, between now and then.  They stressed that I should not go crazy, be moderate.  Since I've done so well sticking to my diet, they suggested that I pick three things I am most upset about never having again for my three cheats.  I'm so nervous about the after-effects.

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