First, I received a message. Cassi's test came back as a 1 pattern, which is good. We will go back in 3 months for a follow up visit.
Second, N at Hope Research called to tell me that Dr. G reviewed my last blood labs and was concerned about the thyroid results, recommending I see my primary doctor. This call was confusing for me. Dr. G told me this, what--7 months ago. And I've been to the endocrinologist, which I discussed with him at our last visit. Anyway, N said they would get the results over to the endocrinologist to see if they want to adjust my medication. I was just in to the endocrinologist to review the lab results I had then, so this is all a little frustrating.
Third, I went to a new eye doctor. Last year, I accidentally changed doctors and wasn't all that pleased with the process. I ultimately ended up with the same prescription as I started with although I tried a half dozen different lenses, including the torric lense for my left eye astigmaticism that caused me to "cry" for the entire 2 days I wore it. But here I am, on the other side of town, looking for a new eye doctor.
I arrived early and, after the initial checking in and paperwork, waited until a half hour after my appointment time. As I was thinking about how long I wanted to wait, I was ushered in to have the technician start the eye tests. Then I saw the doctor and he ran additional tests. And he tells me I have scarring on my left cornea; he says it is not consistent with optic neuritis and I recall having a scratch about 15 years ago but I wasn't aware of this scarring. This scarring would cause the imperfect vision I have in the left eye, which is not correctable. He thought that it would be better for my eye health to wear glasses rather than contacts, but contacts are fine if I don't sleep in them (which I don't).
We talked about the lenses I've been wearing, which I'm pretty sure are Acuvue. He says I'm -550 in my right eye; I say that sounds right, but I've been wearing the same prescription in both eyes. And then he springs it on me. He thinks -450 is as high as I should go in the left eye, definitely not -550. Um, what?! Since the vision issue is not correctable, especially without a torric lense to correct the astigmaticism, he thinks this is the right way to proceed. I have my trial lenses and will go back next week.
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