
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Agility fun run

For the Contact Zonies year-end party, they set up a DOCNA Trigility course. One dog runs a short jumpers course, one dog runs a short Standard course, and one dog runs a short Gambler (distance) course. There were more than 40 dogs expected to run, and it was scheduled the same night as something at the pool, so traffic and parking was not optimal, but our timing was lucky and we got a close spot. I'm not sure what Cassi tripped over (her foot, Teka, a leash?) but she face-planted on the pavement getting out of truck. She was a little banged up but nothing was broken or bothering her, so we let her run and play a little.

I ran Teka on Jumpers and Gamblers and ran Cassi on Standard twice (least amount of jumps after her spill out of the truck.) They both did okay, had fun, always something we can work on. Cassi's course had the tire, her current nemesis, and she tried to go under it but went through it. I should work on wrap with her (and Teka) over the summer. I think we'll do some switch reviews too and work on distance with Teka, although I've been focusing on weaves for her.

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