The diary of a working woman living in Metro Phoenix, and pursuing a healthy life while dealing with Multiple Sclerosis, autoimmune thyroid diseases, and food allergies
DRAFT TODAY, POST TOMORROW: Some posts may be in draft status until I (aka procrastinator extraordinaire) get around to posting them.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Do Something! (but what?)
An article, "Good intentions won't save the planet" from the Montreal Gazette ( gives some interesting perspective on the locavore movement. I like to support my local farmers but I can't see only eating local. And if I lived in some areas of Canada, I think I would be even less likely to eat locally all the time. With the excellent nutritional value of frozen and jar/canned foods today, I think we can eat a diverse diet that includes local products.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Fun Run
Haven't been to agility class in three weeks so I went to the fun run tonight although I feel horrible, so much pain. The girls did really well, were very playful and paying attention. Cassi did her fast teeters and pretty good weaves, intense but popped out. Teka has her out and switch but can't get the offside weave entry. We will practice weaves the next couple of days for our trial this weekend.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Peta vs hunters feeding the homeless
Deer hunting has been approved in public parks to control herds. Some hunters have been taking a portion of the meat and donating the rest to food ministries. Peta feels that it is just a way to justify an immoral act and that the deer should be sterilized rather than hunted. (Can you say extinction?) With the number of people in THIS country that go hungry, it is hard to believe that there are still people that feel it is better to sterilize deer than use them to feed families. According to the article, a doe can feed about 200 people. Go hunters!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Good news
Paying it forward: Mystery couple pays another tab with their own, giving continues for five hours!
Bookstore night encourages reading! In Argentina over the weekend, Buenos Aires held its annual Noche de las Librerias — Bookstore Night. The city closes a main avenue, and places sofas and chairs where cars and trucks normally idle. People with books from the many bookstores lining the avenue, lounge in the seating and a festival atmospherel replaces traffic.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
We went to the Cardinals game, courtesy of M's dad. Very fun people watching at tailgating. I should have packed some snacks to bring though. Good game too but I was freezing with the stadium roof open and my coat in the truck!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Love living life
I would love to say this more often: I love living life--I am happy! I joined Spark People today looking for some resources and ran across this video of a man who asks "are you going to finish strong?" His attitude is a celebration of life over limits and the video says " I've never met a bitter person who was thankful, or a thankful person who was bitter ." I try to be thankful for what I have, rather than bitter for what I don't have. I'm not generally thankful for having MS though!
Friday, December 25, 2009
I baked Arrowhead Mills g/f chocolate chip cookies and then Reese's cookies this morning. Then we headed to Grandma's, where we had a good lunch and lots of yummy dessert! Then over to J and E's to hang out with the kids. M helped set up the Wii, with everyone's Mii's. E liked her cookies; J was eating them too!
M and I watched Australia while eating a little dinner. Then I caught the end of Faith Hill on PBS singing her song from the Grinch movie, then the Drummer Boy. Fantastic voice she has!
I saw this link on Facebook about Christmas customs in Colonial Williamsburg. The end is the best.
In the late 1990s the Christmas season seems to begin right after Halloween and comes to a screeching halt by Christmas dinner (or with the first tears or first worn-out battery, whichever comes first). We emphasize the build-up, the preparation, the anticipation. Celebrants in the eighteenth century saw Christmas Day itself as only the first day of festivities. Probably because customs then were fewer and preparations simpler, colonial Virginians looked to the twelve days beyond December 25 as a way to extend and more fully savor the most joyful season of the year.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
I made a gluten free white cake from an Arrowhead Mills mix. I used a strawberry preserve glaze and powdered sugar instead of frosting. It wasn't bad but it was a bit dry. I would add something to make it more moist next time. I could see using that mix for an upside down pineapple cake--the pineapple would make it more moist.
I gave Eileen a box of g/f groceries and a couple of magazines and Babycakes baking book. I had a little trouble letting go of the book and magazines--they looked like they actually had some really good stuff in them. I got a few fabulous gifts from my wishlist.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Eve eve
It was C & R's last day here--so sad. We did our gift exchange. I got a Wegman calendar and a super cute Bugs Bunny figurine and vintage hardback mini-book comic. C really liked the mermaid ring holder and I got R a calculus book the other day while we were at the bookstore.
We went to Fajitas for lunch with M and his parents. R is very unhappy with my radio on demo mode and wants to fix it but can't figure out how. I thought we'd hit Audio Express while over there but when we picked up Mike, he had too much gear with him for that errand. So I'll put it off some more! R wanted to argue that the radio has something on the front to fix that but I know they almost broke my dash open last time they (didn't) fixed it. Why would I want to argue about something I don't know or understand? Arrgh.
We went to Grandma's for another visit. C & R looked at the quilts while we were there. Then we went over to a Christmas light show that Grandpa gave us directions to see, with a radio station to tune into for matching music. Kind of cool. Funny that most of the neighbors had NO decorations at all.
And then they were off, back to Cali.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
C & R visit
Skateland was really fun! We had a great group, almost 20 total. The kids were definitely getting better at skating by the time we left. I managed to stay upright the whole time! Everyone seemed to have fun so we may have to do it again after the holidays.
We went over to Cheesecake Factory afterwards for an eventful dinner. Torri got a drink spilled on her (a Cosmo or Strawberry martini!) and got the royal treatment after that, which really upset the other kids.
Monday, December 21, 2009
C & R visit
Today we went to the Brindley house so C & R could check it out. I wish the short sale would go through already--the property is not being maintained now. Afterwards, we went to Sweet Tomatoes for a late lunch or early dinner.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
C & R visit
Today, we just hung out. R and I went to the bookstore and picked up some whole milk at the grocery store. R seems to be having a hard time understanding why we are keeping Teka separate from C's dogs. He has that whole "let Roscoe tear her up, she'll learn" attitude. That is NOT going to help. She snapped at Baby through the kennel wires and growled at all of them. Time will tell.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
C & R visit
C & R arrived and we went to IHOP for breakfast. Then they went to bed since they drove all night. We made dinner plans with Grandma, but by the time I got everyone moving and ready, it was a pretty late dinner for her. We met at Uno's on Mill, except that it isn't there anymore, so we went to Macayo's. Of course, being a Saturday night, there was a live band (not Mexican music!) and some crazy college kids on the patio. It was a good dinner and nice time.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas spirit
Oh, the last day at work before vacation. Stress--I definitely didn't get everything done that needed to be. I have to let it go for a week until I return though.
We went to the CZ holiday party--A and D are great hosts. The gift exchange was kind of funny. I actually ended up stealing a gift that had already been stolen, so I was out of the running, but apparently the gift I got was very popular because some people couldn't STOP making jabs about taking it. It was a couple of nice dog toys and a bottle of Bailey's. Now I know what to put with my "dog related gift" to make it more popular next time!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Not nice people suck
I have been having a hectic, stressful couple of weeks at work (and not at work). I am feeling like I'm totally under water and have so much I want/need to get done. Every day, I have to decide on the most urgent/important things and do them. That kinda sucks because that means I'm just barely treading water, no where near catching up.
So I get to work this morning, and before I even get my makeup on (yes, I put my makeup on in the office while my computer is gearing up), I get a call from someone I have to be nice to and help who proceeds to get under my skin. We talked for less than 15 minutes but this person totally ruined my day. I was upset for hours afterwards. It really pisses me off that some people don't care how they treat others. You would think that this person would find out some time during their lifetime that they are being mean ALL the time. I am not kidding--ALWAYS. When people are mean to me, I TRY to think about maybe they are having a rough day or they have circumstances I don't know about. But when someone is ALWAYS mean to me, and everyone else (except the top guy, of course, the decision maker), I can't find a way to be non-judgmental. I kind of feel like a failure when I get this way.
Mean people suck.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Charitable donations for animal welfare
I got an email from Ode (which I love in general) that was soliciting donations to HIS. I was so annoyed that I sent an email to them and then followed up with one to my co-workers, who have been phenomenal in contributing food, etc for the doggie rescue holiday drive. Here's the gist:
During this giving time of year, I wanted to remind you, if you give to organizations that “help animals,” please consider where your donation is actually going. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), their related organization Humane Society International (HIS), and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) are NOT animal welfare groups. They are animal rights groups, meaning people give up their rights so animal can have theirs. They use their budgets primarily for political purposes, lobbying to change laws that generally do not need to be changed. Among other issues, if you want to see no working dogs (such as canine cops, service dogs, therapy dogs), these are the organizations you want to support! I understand their ads can be cute and cuddly or sad but do not be fooled.
If you want to give to organizations that HELP ANIMALS, give to organizations that work with animal owners, not against them, such as animal shelters, breed rescue organizations, and local agriculture support projects (usually international). Your local humane society (i.e. AZ Humane Society) DOES help animals. You can also support local no-kill rescues (such as HALO) or organizations that provide services from or to animals, such as Canine Cancer Foundation or Gabriel’s Angels (pet therapy for at-risk kids).
If you give to other organizations throughout the year, remember to do your due diligence. There are websites that can help such as .
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
FB or BB (Facebook is Big Brother)
So a friend posts on FB:
Facebook, as of today, will automatically index all your info on Google, which allows everyone to view it. To change this option, go to Settings --> Privacy Settings --> Search --> then UN-CLICK the box that says 'Allow indexing'. Facebook kept this one quiet. Copy and paste onto your status for all your friends .
Then I read an article ( that explains five things you NEED to know on FB. I've already done a couple, like creating lists and changing privacy settings but I did the last one. Applications are gathering data, so I changed settings. I don't use many but everyone else does and this actually works for your FRIENDS' apps, not yours!
Watch out, ya'll, FB is going to be renamed BB (big brother).
Monday, December 14, 2009
Success Roadmap
At a conference, I picked up a free book and got a complimentary consultation for my success roadmap. The concept is a life planning type concept that is used for developing a financial planning business, so I thought I wouldn't get a whole lot from it, since I don't have my own business. So I explained to my consultant (Accountability coach--love that title--do any of my friends want it?) how I fit in my company. He agreed that I would not want their main service but we went through the roadmap process anyway for me so I can see if it would work with clients. I would say that it probably would; I thought it was similar to some of the holistic planning approaches we incorporate now.
As we went through the process, I realized that the thing that I find taking more of my mental time right now is my "Secret Garden" so he worked with me a little on what would have to happen to make that happen at the new house. While we defined some numbers and time frames for goals, I think I have already defined some of those, just not with such specificity.
I found it interesting that he had me make specific commitments for achieving some of my goals that I consider more ambiguous. I know that I want to make family and friends more of a priority but can't always figure out how to make it happen. Some of the blame has to go to my family and friends since most of them don't make the effort either. However, by the end of our session, he had me commit to 2 dates to see my grandma (this was easy as I was already planning a visit while C and R are visiting and then Christmas is right after that) as well as a set amount of time each month I will devote to being with friends and family. I have put it in my planner for each month's to-do-this month, so we'll see if this works! I need to do the same thing for things like working out, meditating/yoga, shopping for healthy food. Unfortunately, these are not the urgent things that take up my time! So I guess I have my mandate (resolution) for next year....
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Music lessons Boost Brain Power
I played piano for about 8 years of my childhood. This explains so much!
For those who seriously practiced a musical instrument when they were young, the experience was more than just entertainment. Recent research shows a strong correlation between musical training for children and certain mental abilities.
We therefore hypothesize that musical training (but not necessarily passive listening to music) affects attention and memory, which provides a mechanism whereby musical training might lead to better learning across a number of domains," Trainor said.,3566,572551,00.html
For those who seriously practiced a musical instrument when they were young, the experience was more than just entertainment. Recent research shows a strong correlation between musical training for children and certain mental abilities.
We therefore hypothesize that musical training (but not necessarily passive listening to music) affects attention and memory, which provides a mechanism whereby musical training might lead to better learning across a number of domains," Trainor said.,3566,572551,00.html
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Debit card thieves get around PIN obstacle
This article talks about how debit cards are being used fraudulently:
This is the PIRG Consumer Fact sheet for ATM and Debit Cards:
I know they are long articles. Here is what you need to know and pass on:
--You have more liability with your debit card than credit card. The liability limit can be different, AND you can face charges, penalties and hassles if other transactions do not go through due to the missing money.
--You can get an ATM card instead of a debit card. When it expires, you may have to request another ATM card; otherwise, a debit card will be issued.
--Blocking can cause you to bounce checks or be refused transactions. Blocking occurs when a retailer blocks an expected or standard amount when you initiate a transaction, and then correct it later. (for example, you purchase $30 gas but they block $75 from your account.) This is a good reason to use credit rather than debit, or carry a little cash.
--As you know, never use your debit card online or over the phone. Also, do not use your debit card where it leaves your sight, such as a restaurant where the waiter takes the card.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Aquarium Water in the Garden
I ran across this on LinkedIn:
If you have an aquarium – don’t flush away the water when you clean! Instead, use it for your garden and plants.As you siphon out fish waste and decaying food particles, you are also siphoning out large amounts of helpful bacteria along with all the trace nutrients all plants need to survive (Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Potassium, iron, etc.). Using this “fertilizer” water on your garden and houseplants is very beneficial, and can do wonders for your plants. Additionally, instead of flushing fish when they die, dig them into your garden soil for added fertilization.
Using fish byproducts is not a new concept--the Native Americans were adding fish to the soil when growing crops and taught us the “trick” of increased yields and food production. Today, many fish emulsion products are on the market, but if you have an aquarium, it’s the perfect local source.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Alemtuzemab Trial Six Month visit
First a visit to Dr M. He seemed okay with my walking this time (relative to last) but my balance was horrible. It's a close my eyes and stand type test and I could even tell I was swaying.
Then to Dr G. He showed me pictures of his Airedales and we discussed the "breakthrough" article I read. He said that there is a trial starting in Buffalo related to that surgery.
Then over to the Hope Center. R took a LOT of my blood, at least 6 tubes. (I wasn't watching, just saw him putting them in the container.) R said another guy wanted to come in to do the blood draw but he said no on the large volume. I gave him a little grief that he was going to bruise me, so I'll have to let him know that my arm did not fall off! He said they are testing lymphocytes, thyroid, platelets (that's every month), and some others I forgot.
I had to do all the quarterly tests with another guy--pegs and vanishing eye charts and math and walking. I guess I passed. :) The whole thing, from the time I left my office until I got home, was over 2 1/2 hours. It usually is closer to 3 hours but the doctors both got me in very quickly.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christmas trees
Real trees are greener than fake! We've had a real tree every year since moving into this house; this is the first year we won't have a tree at all. :(
So this article ( discusses the pros of a live trees for Christmas. Real trees are carbon-neutral, generally grown on tree farms, relatively close to where they are purchased, and mulched after being picked up. The only pro to artificial trees is convenience. The article also pointed out that petroleum is used to manufacture artificial trees, which are then shipped from China, and finally end up in landfills.
And real trees smell so lovely! I might have to go by the tree lot and get some cut off branches to hold me over!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Cancer From the Kitchen?
NY Times Op-Ed piece ( poses the question "What if breast cancer in the United States has less to do with insurance or mammograms and more to do with contaminants in our water or air -- or in certain plastic containers in our kitchens?" The author attended a symposium where the link between illnesses and common chemicals. There are some interesting stats but the bottom line is "avoid microwaving food in plastic or putting plastics in the dishwasher, because heat may cause chemicals to leach out. And the symposium handed out a reminder card listing "safer plastics" as those marked (usually at the bottom of a container) 1, 2, 4 or 5. It suggests that the "plastics to avoid"are those numbered 3, 6 and 7 (unless they are also marked "BPA-free?)."
I see another item on my to-do list! I checked my Nalgene BPA-free bottle and it does have a 7, but also says BPA-free. I'm sure I have plenty of items that can go, though!
I see another item on my to-do list! I checked my Nalgene BPA-free bottle and it does have a 7, but also says BPA-free. I'm sure I have plenty of items that can go, though!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Find your joy
It rained all day today, so I didn't walk at lunchtime. My office building is getting a new roof and solar panels; unfortunate timing--we had indoor rain today. :(
The good news is that it is snowing up north. M and his dad are heading back up for some elk. Christie had a snow day today, too.
So how can we find our joy?
"simply being aware of what is happening right now, without wishing it were different...a little less multitasking and a little more smelling the roses."
Lighten up. (smile!)
Get moving. (exercise, yoga, movement--get out of your head)
Look for a joy buddy. (steer clear of complainers)
Practice being happy. (consciously focus on feeling joy--giving compliments, laughing)
Do a song or dance (really). (singing will keep the funk away, dancing works too!)
Be very still. (meditate or pray) appreciate the moment and your life
Don't let $$ worries steal your joys. Instead of just lamenting, do something about it--assert control over finances.
Share your joy!
So now it is really coming down. Cassi is not a fan of the thunder. I hope she lets me get some sleep!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
USDAA Agility Trial
Day 2 started with leash running for Gamblers. I think my girls would have done this gamble--it was a jump to a tunnel, then the tire and last jump. I could have entered but I have decided to limit my entries to 2 per dog per day, and I wanted to run Standard and Jumpers. Mike was able to attend and film my runs. I found out that Teka actually got a 3rd place in the Snookers runs at the end of yesterday, although she did not qualify due to time. One of the (three) photographers got a couple of good photos of Cassi yesterday. He printed them in a collage type of page, for a total of 4 photos with her name. One was her down on the table and one showed how she kicks the tire with her back feet, so I got the page from him, although I don't usually buy the photos, since I have my own photographer!
Teka's Standard run was disappointing. She was distracted and took a lot of coaxing through the weaves and then poo'd on course. (Elimination=elimination!)
Cassi's Standard run was better; she got 4th place but she did not qualify due to time. She took several tries to get the weaves and did a slow (not her worst ever!) teeter. She did manage to get the table this time when I gave her a big "EASY" on the way.
Teka's Jumpers run was not bad, but she lost time when she was distracted by the photographer. However, I was pleased with her run because she did manage to continue coming back to me as she got distracted. She got her "switch" too.
Cassi's Jumpers was good, and would have been faster with another handler. :) She really was focused and trying to do what I asked so I ended the day very happy. She actually got both a Q (qualifying score) and a 3rd place. When we got home, Mike confirmed that was her 3rd Jumpers P1 Q, so that was her titling run. Great way to end the weekend!

Saturday, December 5, 2009
USDAA Agility Trial
It was cold and windy today. Mostly cold--I kept my long sleeve Tshirt and sweatshirt on most of the day, plus gloves. Cassi and Teka wore their sweaters, except when they were warming up and running their agility runs.
We had Standard course first. Cassi did pretty well actually, but we did not qualify. She completed the (12) weaves but popped out a couple of times and had to go back in--actually, the first time she had to restart because I wasn't sure where she popped out. She got a table fault (on, then off, then back on), then hit the wrong end of the tunnel. She ended with a bang--a fast teeter and a tire without any hesitation. Whoo-hoo.
Teka started out pretty well. She popped out of the weaves too but completed them. We've been working on switch and I think she's starting to get it. She booked it across the dog walk--unfortunately, I didn't slow her down and she missed the contact, and then she flew onto and off of the table for a table fault. I ended up on the "wrong" side and should have just gone with it but tried to rear cross the teeter--big mistake. Teka was already on it and it ended up hitting me. Just barely, but still, I touched the equipment--big no-no, and everyone thought it hit my leg and hand pretty hard but really it grazed my hand and knee. Teka also finished with the tire. I think she had a lot of fun. She is really fast and needs a new handler!
I ran leashes for Steeplechase which had a great configuration for something I'd like to set up for the girls to practice. There were weaves that headed into a tunnel and then back out into the weaves. Also, there was a four jump serpentine that headed into a broad jump and ended with a perpendicular jump.
We ran Snooker at the end of the day. I'm still trying to get the rules on this one, so I actually messed up both of my dogs' runs. The basics are that each obstacle has a flag with a number. The red flags are numbered 1, and for this course there were 3 red flags, then a 2 (jump), 3 (chute), 4 (tire), 5 a and b (winged jump and tunnel combo), 6 a b and c (winged jumps combo), and 7 (weaves). The opening is completed by doing a 1, any obstacle, a 1, any obstacle, a 1, any obstacle. The judge said completing the 1 is like getting the key to do the next thing; you can't do any obstacle without the 1 first. After the opening is done, the closing is the 2-7 in order. After the 7, you still have to cross the finish line to stop the timer. (Several people missed that and one disqualified herself by touching her dog thinking she was done but she hadn't gone across the finish yet.)
Cassi's run, we did the 1 jump, 2 jump, 1 jump, 5 tunnel and jump, then i was planning to go to the other 1 jump, but as we were passing the tire, Cassi took it. Since she hadn't yet done another 1 jump, we were done. I was disappointed because it didn't even occur to me that she might take that tire as she doesn't like the tire. And she did it fabulously! So I told her how great she did anyway since it was my gault!
Teka's run, I was going to do essentially the same thing. We did the 1 jump, 2 jump, 1 jump, then headed to the 5 tunnel and jump. She went past the tunnel so, since the 5 was bidirectional, I had her go over the jump but then she went in the wrong end of the tunnel. So I had her re-do the jump and tunnel. Oops--I guess we were supposed to do another 1 before trying again. Aargh!
I think I am going to skip Snookers for a while. I know that a lot of people think that Snooker is a fun game because you kind of make up your own course and come up with your own strategy, but I kind of prefer knowing what I have to do. I like the structure! Maybe I'll get it eventually but I think my brain just doesn't work that way! When I was looking at the entry form, I knew I would do Standard on Saturday, but for my second choice, it was Pairs or Snooker, so I took Snooker. I think I might try Pairs next time. I don't have to find someone--they do a draw unless you request to be paired (or not) with someone specific.
Oh, the other thing was that I talked to Billie about her Control Unleashed group. Two different people mentioned it to me recently when I was complaining about my problem child. :) It's more like a study group or book club with practice. I need to get and read the book and then I can attend as often or as little as I'd like. It sounds pretty promising--we'll see.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Environmental email
Not new, but hilarious
And the comments were pretty good too. What's up with Bovine printer toner though?
And the comments were pretty good too. What's up with Bovine printer toner though?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Time management
My boss sent an article "Don't have time to read this? Read this" so I read it and thought, hey, I probably should have been doing something else instead of reading this! The article talked about three methods for time management.
Pomodoro technique: Uses a tomato-shaped timer. Start each day by making a log of things to do, then tackle each in 25-minute intervals called Pomodoros. When a Pomodoro is over, mark an X on the log next to the item being worked on, then take a refreshing 3- to 5-minute break. Nothing must be allowed to interrupt a Pomodoro.
FranklinCovey's Focus: Recommends "sharpening the saw," a metaphor for setting aside time to take care of your health so you can work (and play) with more vigor. Uses a four-quadrant "time matrix," helps users distinguish among tasks based upon whether they are truly urgent and important; important but not urgent; urgent but not important; or neither. Focus aims to break users' "urgency addiction," the habit of rushing around needlessly.
FranklinCovey's Focus: Recommends "sharpening the saw," a metaphor for setting aside time to take care of your health so you can work (and play) with more vigor. Uses a four-quadrant "time matrix," helps users distinguish among tasks based upon whether they are truly urgent and important; important but not urgent; urgent but not important; or neither. Focus aims to break users' "urgency addiction," the habit of rushing around needlessly.
Many commentators and the author felt that a combination of techniques will work as it depends on what works for each person.
Make three priorities each day that have to be accomplished. (I use this idea!)
Make three priorities each day that have to be accomplished. (I use this idea!)
Check out for a decluttering version of the Pomodoro technique. (I have the flylady timer and really like a lot of the flylady information. The emails were overwhelming though!)
And a few websites to check out:
To complain about a shortage of time is like a fish in the sea complaining that it has a shortage of water.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Agility class and stuff
Sunday I set up the weave poles and started "weaving for breakfast" with the girls. Cassi is a bit spaztastic but knows what she's supposed to do, so I've added a hoop for her. Unfortunately, I don't have a frame for it, so she's having a bit of fun with running around it while I'm holding it and trying to get her through it! Teka is really sporadic on the weaves. She's not getting the entry concept yet and I may have to backtrack and try the two by two again.
Tuesday I received my running order for the trial this weekend. I think Teka's going to get bumped up to Cassi's jump height when they measure her, but Cassi's in the middle of her group and there seem to be a lot entered in that height, so I think that will be okay. Since I have to be there early to get Teka measured, I think I'm going to volunteer for the first ring both days.
And tonight was class. We worked on pairs courses--a first for me. It actually went really well. Teka was not too interested in the other dog and did everything pretty well except the weaves. Cassi did a fast teeter! (a little slower the second time) There's hope for them this weekend, I hope!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Post Thanksgiving Kisses Diet
For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friends, For everything thy goodness sends. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I've been catching up on my Denim Diet Good Life Blog ( and ran across a lot of new stuff since I was last on. I saved a few links to my Listography: Vee.
Check out the health benefits of kissing at
- Longer life.
- Have better self-esteem.
- Increase metabolic rate.
- Relieve stress and tension.
- Prevent baggy cheeks.
- Stabilize cardiovascular activity; decrease blood pressure and cholesterol.
- Suffer less infections.
- Increase natural antibiotics.
- Reduces anxiety.
- Relieve pain.
That's a healthy life style I can take seriously!
BTW, as I went back to the previous month's posts, I found a couple of soda related entries. One talked about Pepsi's UK campaign encouraging more water and exercise. What's their angle--getting out in front of Coke for the inevitable? Another post talked about a prison switching from soda to tea. I'm a fan of the soda reduction diet!
Ode's May edition was their Organic Top 20:
Brands that I already love and use:
Cascadian Farms (their list was for fruit spreads--I like their frozen produce)
Nature's Path (they listed granola--I like some of their flake cereals)
Would like to try:
Turtle Mountain coconut milk ice cream
EO Products cosmetics Sanitizing Hand wipes
Diva International menstrual cup
LUSH solid shampoo (Yeah, no bottle, and made in Canada)
Bonterra Vineyards wines
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